• I’ve suddenly discovered that the paragraph formatting for my entire site has been stripped out. This happened without my having edited any of the posts directly. No matter what I do, if I create a paragraph in in the visual editor, the line breaks and list indentation is removed. I see lots of posts about this, but not really any resolution other than “use the HTML editor. Anyone know what is going on here and how to FIX it, rather than work around it?


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  • I always use the TinyMCE Advanced Plugin which seems to behave better, in terms of keeping the formatting.

    Thread Starter stacemaples


    Just tried TMCE Advanced, and although it provides the capacity to NOT remove <p> and
    tags, my formatting is still not being seen. I’m looking at the resulting source code from the rendered page, and the formatting is there… does this have something to do with my css?

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