• Hello all,

    when I try to change the setting “Can post blog posts to this forum” from “no” to “yes” on any of the existing roles, it just does not work.

    The setting is back to “no” when I open the role settings again and take a look into it.

    Does anybody else have this problem?



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  • Plugin Author jhong



    It seems your phpBB permissions didn’t get fully upgraded. You can trigger it again by visiting the wp-united settings page and clicking submit.

    Plugin Author jhong


    Hi, I’m sorry, I think I misread your post this morning. this has nothing to do with an upgrade action.

    I just checked on a fresh install and the permission is fine. How are you changing it? The way to do it is:

    phpBB ACP -> Permissions tab -> Group forum permissions -> Select a group -> Select some forum(s) -> submit

    Then for each forum you selected:
    Advanced permissions -> WP-United tab -> Can post blog posts to this forum (Yes)

    Then apply permissions (or apply all permissions if you were changing for multiple forums).

    Works for me.

    Is that what you were doing? If it is still not working, did you apply any MODs to phpBB that could be breaking the ACP permissions page?

    Thread Starter msebald


    Hi and thanks for the reply.

    First of all, I am using phpBB in German language, so my translations back to English might not be precise.

    I just tried what you were suggesting. The thing is, I see a WP-United tab for forum roles, which also is a good point to put the WP-United permission into. I created a new forum role from a standard one and just want to add this one WP-United permission.

    But I do not see the WP-United tab in the Advanced permissions for a user group and a specific forum, as you described above.

    But why? I installed the MOD with AutoMOD and everything ran through without any notice of a problem. BTW: I am running the nightly build as you suggested because of the special path I wanted to choose to get outside the vhost.

    Yes, I do have other MODs running:
    Forum Runner
    Share Topic
    Thanks for posts
    phpBB Gallery

    But I do not see a problem here with the permission system of phpBB.


    Plugin Author jhong


    You might want to try the latest download from this site — I released v0.9.2.0 yesterday, which is the most recent, and is synced with the nightly. The nightly package from 1 – 2 days ago was when all the new permissions code hit, so will probably have some problems.

    Thread Starter msebald


    Ah cool. Ok, just installed in WP and phpBB. ??

    And yeah, I was able to set the permission “Can post blog posts to this forum” to “yes” and it was saved in my newly forum role.

    I see a second permission now, “Can reply to blog posts cross-posted to this forum from WordPress”. Seems to be new as it is not translated to German, yet.

    I cannot set this permission to “yes”. Same problem as described in my first post of this thread.



    Thread Starter msebald


    BTW: My goal is to have a read only forum for users where the blog posts appear. Replying should be done in the blog, also I do not need the replys from the blog in the forum threads.

    So I created a forum and set the permission for registered users via forum role to read only plus permission to post a blog post there.

    In WP I activated cross-posting, whole article and set the forum where blog articles are forced in as a forum post.

    Sounds correct?

    I do not understand the setting “phpBB manages comments” (or something like this). The German explanation sounds weird (I also noticed that there are many spelling errors and typos in the German translation – must be done in a hurry) and I do not understand what is meant.

    BTW 2: Is there any information if/when a blog article is crossposted or if this did not work because of wrong permissions? I posted something in the blog yesterday night and it just did not appear in the forum – well, the settings were not correct, but I did not see any error report.

    BTW 3: Can I somehow post the already existing articles to the forum with matching date/time?

    Plugin Author jhong


    After updating you might want to hit “submit” in wp-united settings again, as it seems you had a pretty much latest nightly package, so it won’t think to auto-upgrade you. Hitting “submit” should do it.

    Hopefully the new permission will then start working.

    For the cross-posting, I suggest you test it first with the “force all…” option turned off. Then you will get a box for you to choose cross-posting when writing the post. That should give you more feedback as to what is working. Make sure you can write posts normally in that forum too, in addition to adding the WP-United cross-posting permission.

    The “phpBB manages comments” means that after you post the cross-post, any replies to the post in the forum will be treated as WordPress comments. And any comments posted on the WordPress comment form would be stored in the forum. This setting applies to all cross-posts. It sounds like you don’t need this.

    If I remember correctly, cross-posting existing articles should send them to the forum with the published date, not the current date. But it has been a long time since I tested it — please have a try.

    For the German translation, please do contribute any fixes you find; it’s a collaborative effort. You can enter the changes online. I then download the latest translation and include it in the package for the subsequent release. Info on how to do that is here: https://www.wp-united.com/2012/12/12/how-to-help-translate-wp-united/

    Thread Starter msebald


    The “submit” button did not help. Still no effect when I try to turn “Can reply to blog posts cross-posted to this forum from WordPress” on. ??

    To the rest, I will reply later. But thank you already! ??

    Thread Starter msebald


    Ok, cross-posting of old articles works with the original date. One hour time difference, most likely because of winter and summer time maybe?

    But I have to approve the new topics first, did not find out why, yet. All three test articles from the blog were mine and I am admin on both sides, WP and phpBB. I found something about approval in the permission settings of phpBB, but this is also not turned on for normal users.

    Thread Starter msebald


    Thank you about the information about “phpBB manages comments”. Sounds interesting after all, I will turn it on. ?? What happens, if guests post comments on WP? Under what user accounts are these comments crossposted to phpBB?

    Translation: Ah, it is that easy with WP-United? Great. I will contribute here, maybe starting in the evening. ?? Thanks for bringing this up to me.

    Plugin Author jhong


    I’m glad the cross-post date still works — I can look into the DST problem.

    Approval suggests to me that either your user isn’t integrated as you think, or it is integrated but not being logged in in phpBB while you are in the WordPress admin.

    For the first possibility: Check the WP-United user mapper to ensure your wordpress user is mapped to the correct phpBB user, and then check in phpBB that you are logged in correctly as this user.

    If you had user auto-create turned on from the outset, WP-United probably created a new user for your wordpress user before you had the chance to map together existing accounts. If that is the case, then turn off user auto-create, then visit the user mapper and clean things up, mapping together existing accounts in phpBB and WordPress until things look good (you only need to worry about pre-existing accounts that exist in BOTH WordPress and phpBB — they should be mapped together. Everyone else can get auto-created counterparts.)

    When everything is clean in the user mapper, then you can turn back on auto-create and make sure that permissions are mapped correcty so that future users are auto-created properly.

    If your user is mapped properly, then I’d consider the second possibility: phpBB may not have considered you to be logged in properly at the time you posted. WP-United should be handling that for you — the first place to look in that instance would be at your phpBB cookie settings — ensure the server and path settings cover your entire site, including the WordPress admin.

    I’m not sure why that permissions setting wouldn’t be retained, I’ve never met this issue. As far as I understand, if the permissions showing up in the panel, it’s in your auth_acl_options table which is enough — You’re looking at the permissions for specific forums, right? And clicking the apply button at the bottom of the screen? If the problem persists I can come on and take a look at your setup.

    Cross-posted comments are managed by the phpBB WP-United permission. So if a user has that, they can comment in WordPress, even if the normal phpBB guest posting permissions are disabled for that forum. Their username will appear as whatever they typed in in the WordPress form, with characters appended to it if it matches an existing phpBB username. WP-United can also pass the comment through e.g. Akismet, which is obviously recommended.

    Thank you in advance with help with the translation!

    Thread Starter msebald


    Ok, I integrated my user again and also a second user. And tried to crosspost another old article by saving it again in WP. Same thing, approval awaiting.

    I noticed that the article I saved again from the other user was crossposted by my user. Not good. Can’t be changed that it gets crossposted by the original user?

    You write that both linked users need to be logged on the same time. Yes, they are. But maybe you remember that my setup is kind of special. I run WP and phpBB on two different domains and vhosts. So single logon does not work here. Is this maybe the reason for all of this? If yes, there is no workaround at the moment for new blog articles? What about the comment crossposting?

    Sounds great what you write about comment crossposting for guest comments. ?? Can’t wait to see this live! ??

    What about comments from the old existing articles? Do they find their way into phpBB as well after I crossposted these articles as described above?

    This permission not saving thing is really weird. I try to change something I would translate from German to English as “forum roles”. And these forum roles I apply to a user group (e.g. registered users) and a specific forum. I am not a frient to setup something unique for a thing (user, forum…), so I alway like to have something like groups or roles.

    If you like, you can take a look into our installation, talking about this issue with the rights I cannot save in phpBB ACP. Maybe this is a bug – or could it be related to my special two domain setup? In the case you like to take a look we should continue via email, at least for user credentials for our setup.

    Plugin Author jhong


    Ah, yes. I’d forgotten about that….

    Everything is predicated on your rights in phpBB., and handled natively by its own auth functions wherever possible (otherwise WP-United would be huge). So you really need single sign-on working and that cookie domain to match…

    Thread Starter msebald


    Yeah I see. So I cannot expect the approve thing to work in my setup. I can get along with that.

    But what about the permission thing I cannot set in phpBB? I do not think that this is related to my setup here.

    And can you tell me what happens to old comments in the blog articles I just crossposted by hand? Do they appear automaticly or have/can I do something by hand?

    BTW: I noticed that every time I integrate my user the WYSIWYG option in the user profile (warning about killing PHP code) is turned off (and the message on) again.

    Thread Starter msebald


    Are you still with me?

    I know now that not everything will work with my setup. But it would be great to have the things working which should work, like the permissions in phpBB.

    Can you help me with that?

    I have another problem. When I try to edit an article, I get the following when saving the article:

    “You do not have the permission required to edit posts in this forum”

    Most likely related. Is there something I can do about this? Or you? Maybe you could add a flag to not edit the post in phpBB?

    BTW: I started on editing the German translation. Still lots of things to do, but I already changed and added stuff.

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