WP Ulike Ultimate Member integration not working with network activate
I very love your plugin, this is absolute the best! I just know started to use, and in the last few days I worked with on my site, that the plugin will works perfect… I am ready now, but when I activated the plugin network wide, the Recent Posts Liked and
Recent Comments Liked menu buttons disappeared from my ultimate members generated user profiles, and if I open the links with hotlinkin (/user/current_user/?profiletab=wp-ulike-posts) the page doesnt exist… (I use ultimate member only my network home…) If I deactivated the plugin network wide, and activated only my network home, or any sites, one to one, but without network activation, the ultimate member integration work.What te problem? Item, I cant access to mynetwork.tld/wp-admin/network/admin.php?page=wp-ulike-settings … why? I think here must configure the plugin network wide options… When I activate the plugin network wide, the first site, where drop the wp_redirect is the last registrated site on my network… Why? Why not my network home’s site? Also I think, here is the problem, the integration rehearse be creating only on that site, not on my network home…
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