I am having the same issue and nothing seems to be working. I have excluded every javascript file associated with this plugin and it still stops showing my tabs every time I check Optimize JavaScript Code?. Can someone put exactly what you put into the exclude field that worked. My list right now is below, its still wrecking my wp-ui.
admin.js, async.js, begin.js, editor_dialog.js, end.js, jquery-1.10.2.js, jquery-ui-1.8.4.js, jquery-ui-1.10.3.js, jquery-ui.js, jquery-ui.min.js, jquery.colorbox-min.js, jquery.js, jqui-admin.js, widgets.js, wp-ui-old.js, wp-ui.dev.js, wp-ui.js, wpui_tour.js, wpui-styles-demo.js, acc.js, init.js, spoiler.js, tabs.js