• Good morning,

    I recently installed WP Total Cache.

    Fantastic! My load times are now 10 times faster than before according to Uptrends – plus I’m getting seen on all checkpoints now. Before I was only available on half of them.

    One problem that I need help with however:
    This only lasts for a few hours and then I revert back to the slow load times and I’m not available on half of the checkpoints again.

    A solution that I discovered is to go back to WP Total Cache settings and click ‘save all settings.’

    Then I’m back to fast load times again. For a few hours.

    Does anyone have a suggestion of how I can make this more permanent improvement to my website?

    I’m using WordPress V. 4.9.8 and the Make theme

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Sincerely, Tim Magee

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @tim-mage,

    I’ve tested your website on GTmetrix and it looks great.
    I also went thorough your website and it loads very fast. Can you please test your website on GTmetrix when you experience slow load time and share the results here?

    Thread Starter Tim Magee


    Thank you Marko for your reply,

    With WP Total Cache installed, my site has been running (Using Uptrends) at about .1 to 1 seconds load time. After a few hours that speed drops to 8 to 15 seconds—and only 1/2 of the city checkpoints are even available.

    I used GTmetrix this morning during a slow period and you can see the results here:

    This same exact phenomenon is happening on all three WP sites that my nonprofit manages. The three sites are hosted at the same cPanel account run by Namecheap.

    I hope this helps you!

    Thanks again.


    Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @tim-magee,

    Sorry for the late reply but I was waiting for some time to pass so I can test the websites on GTmetrix. I really did not see anything but small, very small differences.
    Do you know the approximate time that happens? Is something being updated on your website at some point?

    Thread Starter Tim Magee


    Hi Marko,

    That is a good question – about updating.

    All I know is that when I log in early in the morning it has reverted to the old slow load times.

    Interestingly, I have an AdWords account with conversion tracking (with tags on my WordPress sites). Sometimes, early in the morning I get an error message from AdWords saying “tags inactive.” And just like with WP Total Cache – if I simply go to my WP Google Tag Manager plugin settings and click on ‘save’ – my tags become active again.

    Let me write to a more general WordPress forum and see if there might be an answer there.

    Thanks again for your help.


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