• I just wanna ask about this…
    if i’m going to start a free blog platform using wpmu, but the domain i’m using is wordpresse.info or wordpress2.com.
    Can i use this domain or not.. some of my friend says this is can be issue and wp will wont like this.. according to the link below.


    For various reasons related to our WordPress trademark, we ask if you’re going to start a site about WordPress or related to it that you not use “WordPress” in the domain name. We’re not lawyers, but very good ones tell us we have to do this to preserve our trademark.

    i thing for wordpresse – is ok coz not really a “wordpress” bcoz they have “e” the end of domain… and anyone can buy the that domain rite?

    and wordpress2 cannot be use cos they are really using the word of “wordpress”.

    i’m still not sure about this.. can anyone help me..

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  • Best bet I would think would be to contact Matt directly and ask him specificially.

    m [at] wordpress [dot] org

    i thing for wordpresse – is ok coz not really a “wordpress” bcoz they have “e” the end of domain… and anyone can buy the that domain rite?

    and wordpress2 cannot be use cos they are really using the word of “wordpress”.

    Both contain wordpress.

    If you really need to have WordPress in your domain name, you might try using wp-something.etc, which is often what’s done and doesn’t tend to rile the trademark holder(s) of WordPress.

    Both wordpresse and wordpress2 would be close enough to be a problem. I wouldn’t recommend it.

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