you could achieve something like this with an additional Shortcode, which would only return a single value from another table (i.e. your master table).
To get that Shortcode, paste the following into your theme’s “functions.php”:
// handle [table_cell id=123 c=4 r=5 /]
function shortcode_handler_table_cell( $atts ) {
global $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend;
$atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'id' => 0, 'c' => 0, 'r' => 0 ), $atts );
$table_id = $atts['id'];
$column = $atts['c'] - 1; // subtract 1 because of different array index
$row = $atts['r'] - 1; // subtract 1 because of different array index
$table = $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend->load_table( $table_id );
$cell_content = $table['data'][$row][$column];
$render = $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend->create_class_instance( 'WP_Table_Reloaded_Render', 'render.class.php' );
return do_shortcode( $render->safe_output( $cell_content ) );
add_shortcode( 'table_cell', 'shortcode_handler_table_cell' );
Then, create your master table as usual (and find out its table ID).
To then reference a cell from that master table, go to your new table and insert the Shortcode
[table_cell id=5 r=2 c=4 /]
where 5 would be the master table’s ID, and r
and c
would mark the row and column (fourth cell of the second row in my example).
Hope this helps!
Best wishes,