• I have Wp SuperCache up and running on a multisite wp installation.

    Everything works great but not for the homepages: the test on the main settings page gave me an error about different timestamps.

    After investigating (and googling) a lot I inspected the code and found that in wp-cache-phase1.php (ln 190) the following test did not work:

    if ( $wp_cache_request_uri == $wp_cache_home_path || ( $wp_cache_slash_check && substr( $wp_cache_request_uri, -1 ) == ‘/’ ) || ( $wp_cache_slash_check == 0 && substr( $wp_cache_request_uri, -1 ) != ‘/’ ) ) {

    After investigating again I found that in wp-cache-config.php the variable $wp_cache_home_path is assigned form site_url() wp function. I don’t know why but in my case this function returns the frontpage of a sub-site and not the frontpage of the main site.
    So I changed site_url() with network_site_url() and the caching works great… but only for the primary site!! :))
    I mean that if I run the test on a subsite I have the same problem about the difference of timestamp in the test pages. And the frontpage of subsites is never served cached (also for the anonymous users).

    I wonder if this is a multisite config problem of mine, if SuperCache is not fully compatible with multisite install or what else?

    Thanks for your help.


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