• After installing WP Super Cache it said my wp-content folder wasnt writeable. So I fixed that. After that it killed my site. I can no longer get my site to work, but the admin is working. I go into the plugins folder and i get red error messages saying plugins deactivated due to an error. So I removed the plugin and all the files and still nothing. White blank page.

    Please any help would be great!

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  • me.prosenjeet – next time you install it make sure the path in wp-content/advanced-cache.php is correct. That’s probably what caused you problems.

    you know what, I didnt select the folder or anything…I saw the plugin, installed it through my dashboard…I didnt change anything it was all done by WP

    I just checked the path you said.
    The wp-content/advanced-cache.php reads-
    require_once( ‘/home/pdssite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/’ . ‘wp-cache-phase1.php’ );
    and the plugin folder was put in the wp-content folder.
    Any reforms you suggest to make this work



    Since I updated my Super Cache to 9.1 everything is screwed up! My categories are now dead and so is my archive list. Also, my email subscribers are getting no images!

    Is anyone else seeing this????

    raphaelsmp – no, what’s your permalink structure?

    This 500 server error still occured, because the WP Super cache is not completely removed from the system. WP Super cache is still alive in the database, in the option table. Is should be the script write an entry to the table. Delete it and it works for me.

    Try it if you’ve done what djembowski said above, and then open your database using Phpmyadmin, and browse option table.
    Find the last line of the table or a line which has update_plugins value in its option_name, and then edit this entry.
    In option_value field, find something similar like this one:


    and remove it!

    Then open your WP admin. If it doesn’t works, try to refresh your browser or use another browser.

    It should be done!

    I just got the white screen of death too.

    I uninstalled the plugin and deleted the folder but that didn’t help. As others have suggested, you need to remove “define(‘WP_CACHE’, true);” from your wp-config.php

    The hoops you have to jump through to get this plugin to work requires detailed clear installation instructions. I didn’t find the instructions clear at all and all the lowering of security on folders concerns me.

    It seems a shame that the author has gone to so much trouble to develop a plugin that many can’t use simply, it seems at least, because of lack of clear instrucitons.

    From my wp-config, I removed this line:

    define(‘WP_CACHE’, true); //Added by WP-Cache Manager

    and all was fine after that (so far).

    Dave333 – the uninstall instructions say you need to remove the “WP_CACHE define” from wp-config.php …

    I am getting the EXACT same problem. I have done everything and still get a white page.

    Terrible plugin.

    CaesarG – follow the “If all else fails” instructions in the readme.txt

    ^^ I did, it didnt work. I had to reinstall everything from a backup.

    Terrible plugin, I suggest all avoid at all costs and if not BACKUP!

    CaesarG – sorry you had problems, but the plugin works fine on tens of thousands of sites. It’s unfortunate you had problems.

    Echoing many other frustrated users of this plugin, it killed our site as well. We didn’t know the source, so we were practically “down” with a blank page for over 30 hours. When we deleted the extremely flawed WP Super Cache plugin everything went up quickly and beautifully. Though we still wanted to speed up the site so we cleared the cache of the plugin, reactivated and it was fine for a few hours, then the dreaded blank page came back again and the site would only appear with a refresh.

    I lost serious traffic on 2 blogs because of this abusive plugin.

    I’d rather have a slow site than a plugin than having a blank page as often as 3 times a week. Not worth it at all.

    This plugin creates unfortunate experiences. Needs serious tweaking, in the meantime I’m on the search for an alternative. If anyone knows an alternative please let us know as we have lost all hope in this plugin and do not think it can be fixed.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    WP-Super-Cache works perfectly for me and many others. I think you need to track down the specific problems on your site instead of blaming the plugin.

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