I have done tons of tweaking with this plugin, and i came across an older post today that kind of answered this question directly.
It prompted me to do this:
– Go to /plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache-phase2.php
-Open wp-cache-phase2.php and search for the following using the find function:
prune_super_cache( $dir, true, true );
There are two line like that, and you will be commenting out the SECOND one.
-Therefore, replace this line:
wp_cache_debug( "wp_cache_post_id_gc clearing cached index files in $dir.", 4 );
prune_super_cache( $dir, true, true );
with this instead….
wp_cache_debug( "wp_cache_post_id_gc clearing cached index files in $dir.", 4 );
//prune_super_cache( $dir, true, true );//Comment out this line to prevent all cached files being deleted when a single post id updated
That will effectively comment out that little bit of code, plus it gives a comment reminder in the code of WHY you did this.
Does it work? I honestly don’t know yet because I haven’t tested it with the debug log, but it seems that it has because I updated some pages and before it was crashing my site and causing temporary 500 errors because the cache was all deleting at once and it was just a heavy load on the server maybe?
Not sure, but try it out and see if it works for you! It certainly hasn’t HURT my site so far to have commented that out.