• Hello

    I added HTTP headers in functions.php inside my theme. For example:

    Also, I checked “Cache HTTP headers with page content”.
    I noticed that HTTP header Feature-Policy is not cached. So, when any page is “live” HTTP header have all headers above, but when page is cached by WP Super Cache, Feature-Policy HTTP header is missing.

    Also, I tried to open some meta-wp-cache-nnnnnnnnnnnnnn.php file to check it, and I can see that there is no Feature-Policy HTTP header in it, and I do not know why?

    How to tell WP Super Cache to cache HTTP header “Feature-Policy” too?

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  • Sa?a


    Hello @jole5,

    There are an issue in PHP which could be related to your issue. You could see more details – https://github.com/Automattic/wp-super-cache/pull/618.

    Anyway, the header Feature-Policy isn’t in the list of known headers. You should use the filter wpsc_known_headers to add this header. I could sent exact PHP code If you need it.


    Thread Starter Advanced SEO


    Hello Sa?a.

    Thank you for reply. If I right, problem is with apache_response_headers which does not work properly in PHP 7.x. I am using PHP 7.x, but my site is not on Apache.

    Could you please send me exact PHP code?

    Thank you.



    It’s possible that other servers use sapi CGI (nginx FCGI for example), but you know for possible issue. Also you could apply #618 if you experience issue related to the function apache_response_headers (which isn’t used only on apache).

    PHP code:

    add_filter( 'wpsc_known_headers', 'my_wpsc_custom_headers' );
    function my_wpsc_custom_headers( $headers ) {
            $headers[] = 'Feature-Policy';
            return $headers;

    It seems that other headers are already on the list, so I think that this code should fix your issue.

    Thread Starter Advanced SEO


    Hello Sa?a.

    Thank you for your reply, and for PHP code. It is working fine now.
    Best regards.

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