• I have wp-super-cache installed on my site, and it seems to be causing an issue with the search facility on the blog page.

    When I look at the blog home page, it’s fine. If I then do a search, the results show up. However, if I rerun the search (for the same phrase), the results screen is blank (just a white screen).

    If I do another search (for a different phrase), the results show up ok. Then re-running this second search, or the first search again, leads to a blank page.

    If I turn wp-super-cache off, the whole thing works fine.

    I’m not sure where to start with fixing this – any help is appreciated. All themes and plugins, and wordpress itself, are up to date.

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  • Were you able to resolve this issue? I’m experiencing the same problem. I did notice in the meta-wp-cache-xxxx.php files, they all start with <?php die(); ?> followed by the json encoded string. If I remove <?php die(); ?> from that file, the page will load (not very quickly, but it will load). I’m curious to know why the die code is in these files.

    Thread Starter sharongilmore


    I did solve it, but I can’t remember how, sorry! I think I maybe uninstalled wp-super-cache, to be honest. If the die command is the problem, it’s probably safe to remove it, though.

    @kirkyedinak – those die commands are there to protect the security of those cached files. The code that loads those files will strip the die() command and json_decode() the rest.

    Anything in your error log? Did you enable the debug log?

    @donncha I apologize for the delay in responding. I have enabled Debug and found nothing interesting in the error log file. Here are some debug data from the log file when searching for ‘glider’.

    18:50:30 35228 /?s=glider wp_cache_get_cookies_values: return:
    18:50:30 35228 /?s=glider wp_cache_get_cookies_values: return:
    18:50:30 35228 /?s=glider wp_cache_check_mobile: bogusdomainname.com443/?s=glidergzip
    18:50:30 35228 /?s=glider supercache dir: D:\home\site\wwwroot\wp-content/cache/supercache/bogusdomainname.com/
    18:50:30 35228 /?s=glider wp-cache file exists: D:\home\site\wwwroot\wp-content/cache/supercache/bogusdomainname.com/wp-cache-42fb3ca404a49bca9b97cf50b754349e.php
    18:50:30 35228 /?s=glider Serving wp-cache static file
    18:50:30 35228 /?s=glider exit request

    What I find interesting is the file ‘D:\home\site\wwwroot\wp-content/cache/supercache/bogusdomainname.com/wp-cache-42fb3ca404a49bca9b97cf50b754349e.php’ listed as existing in the log, actual does not exist. However a file with a similar name does exist: ‘D:\home\site\wwwroot\wp-content/cache/supercache/bogusdomainname.com/meta-wp-cache-42fb3ca404a49bca9b97cf50b754349e.php’

    The content of the meta-wp-cache file is the following:
    <?php die(); ?>{"headers":{"Content-Encoding":"Content-Encoding: gzip","Vary":"Vary: Accept-Encoding, Cookie","Last-Modified":"Last-Modified: Tue, 16 Jan 2018 18:07:49 GMT","Content-Type":"Content-Type: text\/html; charset=\"UTF-8\""},"uri":"bogusdomainname.com\/?s=glider","blog_id":1,"post":0,"key":"bogusdomainname.com443\/?s=glidergzip"}

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