No, it is not a file corruption. I can’t get into the site which only shows some text related to WP Super Cache as shown below. Is there any way to recover from this?
WP-Cache Config Sample File See wp-cache.php for author details. */ $wpsc_last_post_update = 1505901855; //Added by WP-Cache Manager $cache_schedule_interval = ‘WPR_1_days’; //Added by WP-Cache Manager $cache_gc_email_me = 0; //Added by WP-Cache Manager $cache_scheduled_time = ’00:00′; //Added by WP-Cache Manager $wp_cache_mobile_groups = ”; //Added by WP-Cache Manager $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes = ‘w3c , w3c-, acs-, alav, alca, amoi, audi, avan, benq, bird, blac, blaz, brew, cell, cldc, cmd-, dang, doco, eric, hipt, htc_, inno, ipaq, ipod, jigs, kddi, keji, leno, lg-c, lg-d, lg-g, lge-, lg/u, maui, maxo, midp, mits, mmef, mobi, mot-, moto, mwbp, nec-, newt, noki, palm, pana, pant, phil, play, port, prox, qwap, sage, sams, sany, sch-, sec-, send, seri, sgh-, shar, sie-, siem, smal, smar, sony, sph-, symb, t-mo, teli, tim-, tosh, tsm-, upg1, upsi, vk-v, voda, wap-, wapa, wapi, wapp, wapr, webc, winw, winw, xda , xda-‘; //Added by WP-Cache Manager $wp_cache_refresh_single_only = ‘0’; //Added by WP-Cache Manager $wp_cache_make_known_anon = 0; //Added by WP-Cache Manager $wp_cache_mod_rewrite = 0;