• Hi,

    I am the developer of the mapping plugin “Leaflet Maps Marker plugin” (mapsmarker.com) and users have reported an incompatibility with your plugin.

    Here is the issue: when WP Super Cache is not configured properly, the following message is output in the console:

    se1.php in wp-content/advanced-cache.php must be fixed! –>)

    Additionally, the following text is added to the end of each file:
    <!– WP Super Cache is installed but broken. The path to wp-cache-phase1.php in wp-content/advanced-cache.php must be fixed! –>

    This is a problem for me, as my layer maps produce a jsonp-output and your comments is breaking its validity (and my layer maps as a consequence). Here is an example output:

    jsonp({“type”:”FeatureCollection”, “features”:[ ]});<!– WP Super Cache is installed but broken. The path to wp-cache-phase1.php in wp-content/advanced-cache.php must be fixed! –>

    Can this comment only be added if the plugin is active? I would suggest changing \advanced-cache.php from

    function wpcache_broken_message() {
        if ( false == strpos( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], 'wp-admin' ) )
            echo "<!-- WP Super Cache is installed but broken. The constant WPCACHEHOME must be set in the file wp-config.php and point at the WP Super Cache plugin directory. -->";


    function wpcache_broken_message() {
        include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'includes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'plugin.php' );
        if (is_plugin_active('wp-super-cache/wp-cache.php') ) {
             if ( false == strpos( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], 'wp-admin' ) ) {
                 echo "<!-- WP Super Cache is installed but broken. The constant WPCACHEHOME must be set in the file wp-config.php and point at the WP Super Cache plugin directory. -->";

    It would really be great if you could help me on this!
    best & thx,



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  • Hello?
    the issue is still there and I am still getting bug reports because of this. Would really appreciate if the plugin author could have a look at this…

    a user of my mapping plugin again reported that maps don′t work and when tracing down the issue, it was again WP Super Cache with the same issue as described above.
    Can you please comment on this?

    The plugin isn’t configured, but that error message it unfortunately wrong. Damn. The path is in wp-config.php, it’s the WPCACHEHOME constant. The latest version should fix that automatically now however.

    thanks for your answer!

    just a short follow up: so you are saying that the error message should be displayed even if the plugin is inactive? And what exactly fixes the latest version? Only the text of the error message or when the error message is displayed?

    No, if the plugin is disabled in the plugins page (not just caching turned off) then it won’t show. The latest version should fix the path automatically so that message won’t appear, but the user has to login first.

    The problem is, that in the cases when users reported a problem with my maps, it was due to the fact that they manually deleted the plugin folder wp super cache and didnt use the uninstall function in WordPress – this of course didnt remove the file wp-content/advanced-cache.php and so the error came up as this info was added to each page…
    I guess, this “usecase” wont be resolved with the latest release, right?

    I modified the advanced-cache.php, but in a slightly different way. Thanks for the idea.

    Unfortunately that file isn’t updated when the plugin is updated but new installs will at least get the updated file.

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