• Hi,

    I am using the SSP Director (Dynamic Gallery) with WP and Kimili. The problem that I am running into (and cannot find a solution for) is that kimili is dropping the =1 after the gid:

    WP Code:
    [kml_flashembed movie="https://mydomain.com/slideshows/SWF/slideshow.swf" height="360"
    width="485" fvars="xmlfile=https://mydomain.com/ssp_director/images.php?gid=1" fversion="8"/]

    Parsed code – (view source):


    As you can see it is just stripping out the =1.

    Has anyone who has had this problem found solution? I have tried writing kimilli and that has produced 0 results.
    I have been on here searching for solutions there — 0. I have looked for other SWF plugins no deal.
    I need a simple solution (kimili) because to make this easily updatable it must be simple code for the people who will be updating it.

    any ideas?

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  • I have the same problem trying to integrate SSP Director, WordPress and Kimili. On each post, I change the album number and the xml path is truncated after posting?

    Any ieas?

    Disable the RTE if you’re using it, on your user profile page, bottom left corner.

    Thanks. I think you are referring to the Rich Text Editor, if so, I unchecked it and my xml file path is still truncated.

    Hmm. Well, that was MY only idea, so hopefully someone else will be along with a better one.

    Here is the code that I have in the post:

    [kml_flashembed movie="https://mydoman.com/gallery/media/pp_gallery1.swf" height="500" width="700" quality="best" fvars="xmlfile=https://mydomain.com/ssp/images.php?album=33&subdomain=1" /]

    The source code for xml in the published post looks like this

    noting the truncated xml file path following the word album

    Not to threadjack (my apologies), but I just installed Kimili and can’t get it to work at all with my Slideshow Pro.

    If I click the SWF by itself (in the OS, not the browser), it works fine. But in the browser it just sits there loading. I’ve been messing with my paths (thinking that might be the problem), but nothing has worked.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks much.

    Download SWFObject from: https://blog.deconcept.com/swfobject/
    then place this code in the header: <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.mydomain/swfobject.js"></script>

    I’ve done that before and had it working. Kimili is supposed to include that, if I’m not mistaken. That was one of the reasons I wanted to use it. Incorporate SWFObject into an easy-to-use WordPress plug in.

    Or am I incorrect?


    The developer of Kimili got back to me with this:
    "[there is] a bug in the code. I am
    working on a fix and will make it available in the near future."

    hey guys..
    just an idea to the first post..

    i guess it cuts the =1 because flash sees it as another variable. in other words fvars property breaks when another = sign is given (even if it’s as a GET var)


    if yes my question would be:
    is this image.php?gid=1 recode-able to image.php?1?
    than it would run akay I think.. but can we modify this image.php somehow?

    please help me, cos SSP/director/kml/ seems to be the only solution for my users.. and I don wanna buy ssp until I’m not sure about it..


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