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  • I’ve collected several updates for wp-shortstat and postet a new version to Enjoy.

    The happyharts version is still not counting stats when Google Sitemaps plugin ( version 2.7 ) by Arne Brachhold is active.

    I’ve tested that bluecamel’s solution of editing Google Sitemaps allows the two plugins to play with each other but how does it affect how Google Sitemaps works??

    Had the same problem with the Google Sitemap Plugin as bluecamel now. But i’ve fixed the wp-shortstat plugin instead of the sitemap plugin (which behaves correct). You may download it here: . This time in english, not german ??

    Hello, I’m using the happy arts fix.

    Since you are working on it, can you check why all the countries appear as “Indeterminable”?
    I’m running Linux, Apache, in Safe Mode with allow_url_fopen Off

    Thanks for your work!

    Thanks, Happy Arts. I *don’t* have the Google Sitemap Plugin, but my wp-shortstat stopped working today after I upgraded to WP 2.0.1 from 1.5.2. I found your fix just now and it seems to be counting again. I don’t know what the problem/conflict was though, since I’m not using the Sitemap. Is there some basic conflict with 2.0.1? Matt’s list had wp-ss1.3 mentioned as working. The only plug-in I disabled was the database back-up plug-in, figuring I’d activate it only when backing up.

    A post at the thread below fixed things for me. Apparently a WordPress function was renamed, breaking it. One quick edit, and things started to work.

    I’m using wp-popstats 2.00 now, tons better than this buggy plugin:

    It looks to me like this stat plug-in counts hits from the admin. I added the following code in the track() function right after global $wpdb & it seemed to do the trick to exclude hits from me looking at my own site.

    global $userdata;
    global $user_level;

    if($user_level == ’10’
    )return; // Don’t track hits from the blog admin

    I’m no PHP coder, so use at your own risk & someone can correct this if its wrong.

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