• Ok Total newbie to wp. Quandry … I would like to subscribe to and display links to other blogs that I like, using rss feeds. How would I do that ? I tried to import the rss feeds using the import function on the dash board in wp, my problem is that when it asks me to search for the feed it asks me to search my computer for the feed file, but I dont have the file, I just have a link and its only saved in my bookmarks.(a) Is the link the file that I should be looking for? (b) if not What am i looking for? I feel help, use, brain, and witless. Sorry, I know that i bring the aggregate I.Q. of wp community down.

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  • Do you want to have an RSS feed in your sidebar? You can do that with a widget. You can add blogs manually through the dashboard. It sounds to me like what you’re trying to do is import a OMPL file, which you can create through a feed reader like Google Reader with an export. However, it also sounds like you don’t have such a file to import. I would add the links manually using the Write -> Link. If you want to subscribe to feeds, you will want to use a feed reader. I use Google Reader, but there are lots of others, including Bloglines, MyYahoo, Newsgator and Pageflakes.

    It sounds like he wants to display headlines from various RSS feeds, perhaps in his sidebar. I think there are some plugins or widgets that make this easy, but I’m not sure what the leading plugin for it is right now. Look around here,

    He can do it with just a widget, if that’s what he wants to do.

    Thread Starter 760397

    thanks danahuff and dgold for your input gonna give them all a try now

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