• sorry.. it’s me again
    Now my WP.. sometimes (very often) repeats and shuffles the text in my posts.. most in the long ones..
    And it is not that it show them that way.. it saves them like that in the DataBase!!!
    I have only active the plugin to show the emoticons (wp-grins)
    And haven’t made any changes recently…
    plz…help ??
    here is a example https://olivieri.tx.com.ru/index.php?p=54

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  • I cannot understand the language in that post, so there is no way I can understand what’s getting shuffled.
    This is an unusual problem, if it exists. Please report more details, and anything else you have observed, and someone will help you find a solution.

    Thread Starter Gianko


    yes.. it is in spanish..
    here is another example https://olivieri.tx.com.ru/index.php?p=56
    the text in bold it what I wrote:
    Viendo por AyE Mundo Band of Brothers reflexiono ke:
    Odio la Guerra.. pienso ke es absolutamente absurda..
    Ya de por si, odio todo tipo de violencia.. pero la de la guerra es una ke carece de toda l?3gica..
    Al menos, luego de darle muxas vueltas y de bajar mi IQ a algo ke pueda contar con los dedos de una de mis manos, puedo entender ke una persona sea violenta por ejemplo por entretenimiento (boxeo).. o ke un malandro tenga hambre y le salga mal el atraco.. etc..
    Pero ke un tipo vaya a caerse a tiros con otro mont?3n de gente, sin ningun motivo m??s ke un patriotismo desmesurado.. sencillamente no logro entenderlo..
    Y lo ke m??s me parece horrible es lo prescindible de la vida de los pobres soldados..
    Metamos a 600 de estos en un avioncito ke antes de llegar nos maten a unos 300.. otros 50 m??s ke maten bajando.. otros 100 ke maten ya abajo y bueno.. al menos nos keda un 25% pa ke
    tenimiento (boxeo).. o ke un malandro tenga hambre y le salga mal el atraco.. etc..
    Pero ke un tipo vaya a caerse a tiros con otro mont?3n de gente, sin ningun motivo m??s ke un patriotismo desmesurado.. sencillamente no logro entenderlo..
    Y lo ke m??s me parece horrible es lo prescindible de la vida de los pobres soldados..
    Metamos a 600 de estos en un avioncito ke antes de llegar nos maten a unos 300.. otros 50 m??s ke maten bajando.. otros 100 ke maten ya abajo y bueno.. al menos nos keda un 25% pa ke eche co?±azo ah?-..
    Ke el carajo tenga como 20 a?±os.. y haya ido al colegio.. y aprendiera a leer..y escribir etc, etc.. y al final lo mataron y ya..
    Como misantropo ser?-a feliz con ke ma?±ana desapareciera la raza humana.. pero no de una manera violenta..
    Odio la violencia..
    P.S: a pesar de todo la serie es arrexisima, es de Spielberg.. y todo lo ke hace Spielberg hay ke verlo.


    it might be document encoding, but i really have no idea.

    Thread Starter Gianko


    document encoding how??? can you please explain me more?
    thinking back… the problem started whe i was writing a Post and by mistake I press control+N instead of Control+V (I wanted to paste some text).. well a new window open up with the post.php loaded on it…
    maybe that has nothing to do with the problem.. but it is the only thing I link to it ??
    some more info.. the longer the post is.. the more it shuffles and repeats it!!

    Thread Starter Gianko


    nobody???? please some help… this problem is killing me ??



    I’m having this exact same issue. Doesn’t matter if I post with IE or Firefox. It’s like a buffer overflow problem if the entry is too long.

    This is repeatable across two different clients, but alas, I only have one server to test with.

    Here’s how to reproduce:
    1. Open up a new post (Write / Write Post)
    2. Give it a title
    3. Open up a second window and get the text for this test. I’ve set up a text file with the exact text I’ve been using. Goto:
    and copy the text.
    4. Go back to your editing window and paste the text into the post field.
    5. Scroll back and forth and notice that there is no repeating paragraphs and everything looks all good.
    6. Save the entry as a Draft or Publish. It doesn’t matter. Now look at the entry and notice that the paragraph that starts with
    “Sayoko is very interesting” is repeated twice.

    Strange no?



    Hmmm…. maybe this will help in solving this issue. When I repeated the same test from my OSX machine (using the same version of Firefox) the post worked without an issue. What does that suggest?

    BTW, the client machines that are having problems are WinXP and Win2000. IE and Firefox.

    For a nice clean testing environment I ended up turning off the browser history and browser cache just so I could rule out anything along those lines.

    Any thoughts… gut feelings… reactions… would be greatly appreciated.

    What version? I was unable to reproduce in 1.5 with Firefox on Linux



    Don’t know if this is a “too long a document” problem. I tend to write very, very long articles – sometimes having to break them up in to 6-8 paragraphs per page which can reach up to 20 pages. I have viewed my own site with these long posts, and haven’t found any discrepncies within the content.

    If not an encoding issue, perhaps a plugin issue? Try turning of your plugins, making the same post and see if that makes any odds to the content.



    Forgot to mention that I’m using WP1.5.

    Thanks Jinsan. I have one plug-in running. I disasbled but no luck. I also have that plug-in running when posting from my OSX box. Everyone works fine from the Apple. Both WinXP and Win20oo are choking.

    I’ve experimented some more and can reproduce with other text as well. The interesting thing here is both text blobs will start to skip and corrupt right around the 2500 character mark.

    Can anyone else reproduce this error?



    This issue is FIXED!!

    The short answer was to upgrade to the latest versions of Apache and PHP. While I had this issue, I had versions of Apache and PHP supported by WP1.5, but upgrading them solved this issue.

    If you want the full scoop you can check out all the details here:

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