• Hi guys,

    I have upgraded my WP-Polls to version 2.0. I need some of you guys to help me test for bugs/typos.

    Below are some of the changes.
    // Version 2.0 (20-10-2005)
    – ADDED: IP Logging
    – ADDED: Poll Options: Sorting Of Answers In Voting Form
    – ADDED: Poll Options: Sorting Of Answers In Results View
    – ADDED: Poll Options: Number Of Polls Per Page In Poll Archive
    – ADDED: Poll Options: Choose Poll To Display On Index Page
    – ADDED: Poll Options: Able To Disable Poll With Custom Message
    – ADDED: Poll Options: Poll Templates
    – ADDED: Display User’s Voted Choice
    – EDITED: Better Install/Upgrade Script

    Please get back to me if there is any error through my email/forum/this thread.

    Download: https://www.lesterchan.net/others/downloads.php?id=10

    Thanks guys!

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  • I have the same problem. Usually that message is from the listed file having blank space after the closing ?>
    but that isn’t the case currently.

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    Sorry it is my bad, some themes send headers and some themes doesnt send header, overlook that on my part. To solve the problem

    add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘vote_poll’);
    add_action(‘init’, ‘vote_poll’);

    It is a bug and it will be fixed with the next release.

    That did it. Thanks.

    For what reason does not work?

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    did u activate the polls plugin? did u put polls.php into plugins folder?

    Thanks GamerZ, the poll works exellent!

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    no problem =)

    On the Polls-admin page, there’s a place “Total Polls:”, the number after it is always “21”. This is not correct, eh?

    I’ve just checked the polls-manager.php, and i see you gave a variable $i, which makes me really confusion, this variable prints the number after following command run:

    for($i=2; $i <= 20; $i++) {
    echo “<option value=\”$i\”>$i</option>”;

    that’s why it’s always “21”, which is 20+1.

    Sorry for my poor English, but I think you understand what I mean. Could u pls explain this?


    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    This is the number of poll answer you can create. I dun think you can go above 20 poll answer per poll. If you can go over it, you can just change the 20 value.

    Aha, I thought that it’s the number that: how many questions we have for polls.

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    what do u mean?

    hey Gamerz could u help me with my poll
    i have no errors or something like that
    when i click on a answers…the pages refreshes..but it wont count any results

    [email protected]

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    do u have a url to the site or poll? I checked jermainelievendag.nl and the poll is not wp-polls.

    Yes I made active addition to the program of interrogations. Also placed polls.php in a folder of additions to the program.

    Thread Starter Lester Chan



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