• Hi, as a new wp user I am very interested in posting images in my blog. I’ve run into two plugins for this purpose (at least i think so ?? and they are wp-photos & exhibit. By reading the readme’s they seem to pretty much do the same thing. :/ Could someone gimme some info about the difference between the bort? Thanks!

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  • symantix:
    Well, I think we’ll all forgive him if he can just get those next and prev links implemented. ;-P

    I’m having serious problems with the prev and next navigation (in that it doesnt work). Is this a exhibit problem then… and can I now rest in my quest? This has been driving me nuts for ages!

    I’ve just posted this problem…. so i’ll post it here again:
    For reference, my photoblog is at https://www.mezhopking.com.

    Please have a look at the site before you try and solve the problem… on the left had side (sidebar.php) I’ve got a Navigation list, with obviously previous and next links.

    These links work perfectly whilst on the homepage and subsequent preview pages (…/index.php?paged=2 … /index.php?paged=3 ect) but when anyone clicks on the post to view more (…/index.php?p=62 etc), these navigation links disappear….

    Can anyone please tell me why and more importantly how I can fix them. I’m sure there’s a very basic solution to this, but I can’t seem to find it.

    Many many thanks to anyone can help me.


    I just looked at your site. The link in your Navigation section looks fine, no matter what page I’m looking at. Nothing disappears. Perhaps screenshots with annotations?

    That aside- As far as I can tell from your description of the problem, this is not an Exhibit issue. If you read the notes above more carefully, you’ll see that Exhibit does not include Previous/Next links — it is a feature request.

    I’m not sure what issues you have with WordPress, since it seems like what you’re doing is working, but I can’t help but feel that you’re unfairly targeting Exhibit with them in this case. May I suggest that you follow up on your other thread if you still have issues.

    I just installed Exhibit and am having problems as well. I can see the tree listing on the right, but the left continues to say “No images…”

    I tried implimenting the change above, with no luck either. (Though it did prompt me to recreate the table again. :/)

    If you need some other information, let me know.

    I’ll keep playing with it.


    At a glance… it would seem that Exhibit is not creating thumbnails either…

    My exhibit folder (/wp-exhibit) has an additional (t) folder, but nothing in it. Hmmm…


    Strike that, thumbnails are being created, but I am still not having any luck with seeing the content on the left side. (The directory tree is fine.)


    (I wish this place had an edit funtion so I didn’t feel so silly posting all these times.)

    I’m in the same position as DR. I’ve done all that’s described above and still the problem persists. I’ve upgraded to the WP nightly as of the date of this posting, upgraded to the 1.5 fix for Exhibit 1.1d, and implemented both code fixes above. It seems to me that nothing is happening at all when attempting to add a directory of thumbs to a post. The left-side listing is not updated nor is the database itself. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

    Got if fixed. Required a ton of hacking to exhibit10f.php but it works. I still haven’t found how to insert a single image into a post instead of all images within a directory. Am I overlooking this or is it just wishfull thinking?

    Took me a minute to figure out what the directions were talking about to insert the image into the post, LOL. You click the <> symbol next to the image name inside the folder. Mine tried to insert the image but when i clicked that it came up missing the images folder. I have a images folder in my main wp directory so why didnt it include it in the image path so you could view the image? This is what it gave me when i clicked on the image:

    <img src=”https://chaoticmess.cjb.net/post/thugboy.jpg&#8221; alt=”” border=”0″ /><!–exhibit:thumbs_at_top=1

    It should say /images/ right after the .net/ line.

    O.K., I just can’t get this to work. I uploaded everything as directed. I was a bit confused about the permissions so I chmod’d the images folder 777 just to be sure.

    The plugin is activated but the image picker is not showing in the post write area, even after saving post.

    Did anyone else have this problem?


    what version of Exhibit your using archa, im using version 1.1b because its the only version that works for me, i dont know why ??

    I’m using 1.1d. Maybe I will download 1.1b and see what happens, thanks.

    This is supposed to be used as a Gallery to right?? Which file do you call to bring up the Gallery?? Is it exhibit_full.php ? Everything else works for me im using 1.1d on Version 1.5 of WordPress. I havent looked at the “gallery” but inserting images into my posts is easier now even if i have to type in the word /images/ where it supposed to be, LOL

    lol checkout the readme m8 its very simple if i can do it so can you ??

    Wow. After almost entirely ditching Exhibit for incompatibility with 1.5, I found this fix which perfectly fixed the plugin as it was useless since the upgrade.

    Thank you, symantix!

    is exhibitimg folder in wordpress root? or same as pluggin directory?

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