wp options table transient row continuous and bulk writing in WooCommerce
I manage a WooCommerce store. The Hosting service provider reports that it has noticed excessively intensive disk usage on the website, which results from continuous and large-scale database writing, which loads the server disks. The problem seems to be in the options table, where a large number of “transient” entries are added. Looking at the options database table myself, I only notice data records for wooCommerce. The database size is 0.05 GB and the “overhead” is 11.16 GB. I find this strange, as the normal operation of wooCommerce should not interfere with the hosting provider. The website has about 800 products and 5 default attribute filters with about 20-30 choices each to improve the user experience..
I see no way that any other plugin on this website could be causing this behavior. I have removed all plugins that may be related to the problem and the few that remain cannot be turned off on a live website. Options table id has increased from 470418 to 471681 in 12 hours – should this be normal? WooCommerce has been working on the package provided by the service provider for about 10 years without any problems. The WooCommerce version is of course the most recent. Unfortunately, I can’t point out a specific Woocommerce version. Is there any additional information I should ask the website hosting provider about the server or the events mentioned?
Is this topic still being worked on as it seems quite similar? Have there been any solutions since then? I have istalled ?Transient Cleaner, but don’t understand how this would help reduce the number of writes to the database? I also read on Slack that woo has a WooCommerce > Status > Tools >Transient cleaner, how are they different?
I’m familiar with docker, but have mainly used it to resolve errors that I can log. Also I have the ability to read a little code, but I don’t know if it would be a solution (the mentioned topic says not to turn off the transient). So where to start.
Why doesn’t WooCommerce create a separate db table for its temporary data since there is so much? This would make it much easier to detect such problems. Is it necessary to write this information constantly, the need for _transient_wc_related seems especially suspicious, this should only happen if the admin has changed something on the product page and then the data should be updated, not created.
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