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  • Plugin Support wpmansour


    Hi @jamiee89,

    Firstly, I want to apologize for any inconvenience caused by the unresolved issue you posted about a year ago. I understand it’s frustrating not to see the progress you were expecting, especially after it was marked as resolved.

    I want to assure you that this issue is still on our development board and is being prioritized accordingly. However, to address your concern more actively, we have escalated it to try and push it forward.

    We are committed to resolving this issue, and we will not mark this thread as resolved until it is truly fixed. Once it is resolved, you will have the opportunity to mark the resolution from your end, ensuring that it meets your satisfaction.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through this.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Support vupdraft



    Just a quick update our develop is actively working on this so a fix will be available in a future update.

    Plugin Support wpmansour



    Thank you for your patience.

    We have worked on the issue and it appears the original problem (shown here: is no longer occurring. Could you please provide a screenshot of the console log or the minified HTML so we can inspect which part is broken?

    Additionally, try adding this code to your theme’s functions.php file:

    add_filter('wpo_minify_inline_js', 'return_false');

    This should help to determine if the problem is related to JavaScript minification.

    Let us know if this resolves the issue or if you need further assistance.

    Best Regards

    Thread Starter jamiee89


    Plugin Support vupdraft


    Could you please provide a screenshot of the console log or the minified HTML so we can inspect it?

    Additionally, did you try adding the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

    add_filter('wpo_minify_inline_js', 'return_false');

    Thread Starter jamiee89

    (@jamiee89) here is the log

    yes I tried the snippet, and the error was satill there. I’m not sure if there is any broken functionality, but not happy with the errors. I have turned off a setting in APF layered images which seems to have resolved the main issue

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by jamiee89.
    Plugin Support vupdraft


    Thank you for the screenshot.

    I think your issue may be down to merging.

    I used this tool to check if your site supports http2 and it does therefore, you should have merging disabled as it will be slowing down your site

    Can you turn off the merging and see if you still get the error

    To do this under Minify >> JavaScript and Minify >> CSS, uncheck the option to “Enable merging of JavaScript files” and “Enable merging of CSS files”

    Thread Starter jamiee89


    javascript wasnt merged but css was. I have unchecked it, but the error in the screenshot is still present

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    Apologies if I am repeating old ground but it’s sometimes difficult to keep track of what we have asked in previous threads.

    If you turn of minification and merging is the issue still present?

    Thread Starter jamiee89


    all minify=off, no errors.

    css minify= on + js minify=off, no errors.

    I have also tried adding all the relevent js files to the exclude list but still the errors are there

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    It seems that the product filed pro files are not suitable for minification. I realise you have said you have tried excluding them but you may not have excluded the correct file (I am afraid there is no way around the fact that you will have to find and exclude the offending script)

    Here are some instructions on how to do this;

    • Open Developer Tools. You can do this either by right-clicking and choosing Inspect Element, or at the top of the window go to: View >> Developer >>Developer Tools
    • Find the red error message indicator on the right-hand side
    • Click it to open the Console, then click the file referenced in the error notice:
    • This takes you directly to the code in the file that is related to the error. Look for the red underline and copy part of that code:
    • Open a new browser tab and load the un-cached version of the page. You will need to use an incognito window
    • Open Developer Tools, then click the 3 dots on the right side and select Search All Files:
    • Paste the problematic code in the search box and it will locate the file in which that code is found:

    It’s not possible, unfortunately, to copy the filename from this screen. So to do that, click on the Network tab (reload the page if necessary to pull in the files). Then search for the file in the list:

    Once you’ve located the file, right-click on the filename, select Copy, then Copy Link Address to the exclusion list under Minify>> Javascript >> Exclude JavaScript from processing

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