Hi Steve
I’m so glad it works.
Regarding the email formatting – firstly it has to be HTML, but you probably know that ??
Secondly, you should definitely create files with your own names, otherwise they will be overwritten with a new version of the plugin.
Thirdly, I think there is a problem with the Email Template Editor, but I haven’t had time to investigate it to gather enough information to pass on to Malcolm. However, what I suggest you do is this:
– Install a file manager plug-in, if you don’t have one already (I recommend the free WP File Manager from mndpsingh287).
– Navigate to public_html/wp-content/uploads/stageshow/emails
– right-click on the StageShow file you want to use as a starting point (probably stageshow_HTMLEMail.php or stageshow_ReserveEMail.php) and click “Code Editor”
– immediately click “SAVE AS” and give it a new name (so you don’t accidentally overwrite the origina!)
– edit the new file and make your changes, then click SAVE
– in StageShow > Settings, change the “Sale EMail Template” on the “Payment Gateway” tab and/or the “Reservation EMail Template” on the “Reservations” tab to your new file(s)
– go to StageShow > Tools to send a test email. Make sure the MIME Encoding is set to PHP Mailer Methods (if that is the one you are using in Settings). Select a Completed sale to test the Sale email, or a Reserved one to test the Reserved email, and divert it to yourself.
I work with two browser tabs open – one in StageShow > Tools and the other in the code editor. After each change, I SAVE the file (keeping it open) and then switch to the other tab to test it.
Good luck!