• I’ve set up my blog so it reads emails from an account on my server. When I send small posts (2 or 3 paragraphs) from my Blackberry in plain text it posts just fine. However, yesterday I sent my first “full post” and when I rain wp-mail.php it went to the mailbox, got the message but the message showed up as random characters.

    Here is the original message which I’ve sent from my Blackberry and is sitting in the webmail of my server:

    Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
    Content-Type: text/plain
    Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 09:32:19 +0000 [09:32:19 AM GMT]
    Delivered-To: [email protected]
    From: Adrian Court <[email protected]>
    Importance: Normal
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Message-ID: <764751803-1198920745-cardhu_decombobulator_blackberry.rim.net-599439937-@bxe042.bisx.produk.on.blackberry>
    Received: (qmail 19000 invoked from network); 29 Dec 2007 09:32:42 +0000
    from smtp02.bis.eu.blackberry.com ( by wrenntestsite.co.uk with SMTP; 29 Dec 2007 09:32:42 +0000
    from bda013.bis.eu.blackberry.com (bda013.bisx.produk.on.blackberry []) by srs.bis.eu.blackberry.com (8.13.7 TEAMON/8.13.7) with ESMTP id lBT9WVQm016197 for <[email protected]>; Sat, 29 Dec 2007 09:32:31 GMT
    from bda013-cell00.bisx.produk.on.blackberry (localhost.localdomain []) by bda013.bis.eu.blackberry.com (8.13.4 TEAMON/8.13.4) with ESMTP id lBT9WR3X025485 for <[email protected]>; Sat, 29 Dec 2007 09:32:27 GMT

    Received-SPF: pass (wrenntestsite.co.uk: SPF record at srs.bis.eu.blackberry.com designates as permitted sender)
    Reply-To: [email protected]
    Return-Path: <[email protected]>
    Sensitivity: Normal
    Subject: Bah Hondabug test
    To: Blog Entry <[email protected]>
    X-Priority: Normal
    X-rim-org-msg-ref-id: 764751803

    I’ve been the proud owner of my first brand new car – a Honda Civic – since June 2007. Overall I’ve been very pleased with it. Space-age looks inside and out, nice to drive, spacious, and economical.

    Economical until the end of September that is, when the economy started to drop from 38mpg/tank down towards the 32mpg mark. This was noticed in tandem with a stutter at certain rev ranges. Much investigation ensued from the garage until they found that the stutter was an “engine characteristic” of the VTEC cutting in and out.

    Not happy with this answer I test-drove a similar Civic and sure enough it had the characteristic, but not like my car. More checks showed the valve clearances to be too big and a cracked spark plug. But still the stutter remains. Now Honda are promising a software update in January to “fix” the problem. We shall see.

    To compound my misery I got rear-ended and needed a new bumper. Because of the newness of the car I thought Honda would do the work best. Wrong. The new bumper, sprayed with the same batch of paint by Honda in Swindon looks nothing like the rest of my car.

    And to cap it all yesterday the car started making a rubbery squeak from the front-right area. I found a trapped and detached door seal, but that didn’t cure it and a further test-drive reveals a suspension problem!!!

    So in January my car is going into the garage to have the VTEC looked at again, the bumper redone, the suspension fixed plus a couple of other small snags. There is also a recall out on a dodgy handbrake. And they say Honda is the height of reliability?

    So, by the end of January I will have a reliable car I can be happy with again. Failing that they can have the keys back. I’m beginning to realise how Jenson Button felt last season…

    Oh, and Happy New Year to you all!

    When I run wp-mail.php I get the following page:

    Author = [email protected]
    Author = [email protected]

    Content-type: text/plain, Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64, boundary:

    Raw content:


    Author: 1

    And thats what goes on the blog. Interestingly, using Horde to view the mail when I view the message source I get the same gibberish.

    Can anyone help or advise what may be causing this? I want to be able to use my Blackberry to blog while away from home, this looks like it may be difficult!

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  • Did you have any luck solving this problem? I am having the same issues with a blackberry posting to wordpress.

    I am having similar issues. I can get text-only posts to work from my BlackBerry but if I try to add an image only the Subject comes through (no body and no image). What gives??

    Postmaster 1.0.4

    Brett adjusted his plugin to work with BlackBerry attachments.

    i have the same problem too.

    short answer: WordPress is encoding it in base64 for some reason. Using a base64 decoder (https://www.opinionatedgeek.com/dotnet/tools/Base64Decode/Default.aspx) with your pasted text gave me your post back in plain text.

    i do not know how to fix this.

    okay, i take it back.

    WordPress is not encoding it in base64, it’s simply leaving it in base64, because the blackberry sends e-mails in base64.

    either way, here’s what i did to fix it:
    in wp-mail.php, under the lines:

    if (stripos($content_transfer_encoding, "quoted-printable") !== false) {
    		$content = quoted_printable_decode($content);

    i put:

    if (strcmp($content_transfer_encoding, 'base64')==0){
    		$content = base64_decode($content);

    i’m not a php wizard, but basically what it says, if the encoding is base64, decode the content.

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