The container inside that column for the images — div id=”attachement” — has 700 pixels width avaialable, and only 3 px of padding.
So, I don’t understand why WP has squashed the image when there’s about 200px more horizontal space for it to expand into.
]]>The image is resized because I had ‘Serve images from our servers‘ switched on in Jetpack.
As soon as I disabled this, the image went full size.
That’s a great useful feature. Maybe it should look like this:
Don’t squash images
Jetpack will not resize your images downwards if you un-click this button.
In fairness, it might be that this only ruins image display on non-responsive websites. Making my site responsive will be a huge job for another day.
]]>‘Don’t click this button off, if you’d prefer not to un-resize your images to a size that’s never not unlike the size that you originally didn’t want it to not be. Sometimes.’