• I have uploaded WP using FileZilla. It’s not working. I have made changes in WP-config.php. Still not working. It is giving 500 Internal Server Error. Anybody please help! I really need it!

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  • Where did you upload wordpress on server try delete wp-config.php file create database if have not created one and then run your url. Follow instructions from install program.



    Govpatel..BRAVO my friend! BRAVO

    im having problem with the filezilla,i can connect to the server,anyone knows why and how to get that sorted please?

    Anonymous User 7700787


    @qmegmirc what problems are you having? Are you getting errors from filezilla? Please report error codes from FTP.

    Resolving address of https://www.ftp.qmegmir.com
    Status: Connection attempt failed with “EAI_NONAME – Neither nodename nor servname provided, or not known”.
    Error: Could not connect to server
    Status: Waiting to retry…
    Status: Resolving address of https://www.ftp.qmegmir.com
    Status: Connection attempt failed with “EAI_NONAME – Neither nodename nor servname provided, or not known”.
    Error: Could not connect to server
    another one with other host is :
    status: Resolving address of https://www.hosting24.com
    Status: Connecting to…
    Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message…
    Response: 220———- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ———-
    Response: 220-You are user number 1 of 50 allowed.
    Response: 220-Local time is now 08:32. Server port: 21.
    Response: 220-This is a private system – No anonymous login
    Response: 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
    Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
    Command: USER qmegmirc
    Response: 331 User qmegmirc OK. Password required
    Command: PASS *******
    Response: 530 Login authentication failed
    Error: Critical error
    Error: Could not connect to server

    my password is correct but it keeps asking me for password

    If you can not connect to server using ftp and you know the log in info is right then all you can do is contact your host as they are only ones can help you.

    Typically, 530 errors are related to using the incorrect password. I’d verify that you are using the correct password. If you are and you’re sure, then as govpatel said, it’s time to contact your host.

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