• Resolved adkbasecamp


    I’ve had so much fun with WP that another blog was in order. Got the domain, now I’ve got a few questions.

    What is the ideal installation environment for WordPress?

    1. WordPress files in Root. One blog per hosting environment.
    2. WordPress in subdirectory, index and htaccess in root. One blog per hosting environment.
    3. WordPress in subdirectory, index and htaccess in subdirectory. Multiple blogs per hosting environment.

    I want to host two blogs (or more) in the same account. This means choice #3, right? Missing anything?

    In my domains control panel, the new domain “myblog.com” is then configured to point to “/wordpress2” which is the subfolder where the “myblog.com” WP files will be installed. Makes sense?

    When configuring the new installation, both blog URI and address are entered as “https://www.myblog.com” – with no subfolder. Everything seems to work fine.

    Update Permalinks to prettify things, no problem.

    Image Uploads does not work. I can upload files via the post editor, but only the file name shows, no image. The wp-content/uploads/ default is selected. Images do not appear in posts. Images are confirmed to be in the uploads folder. Adding or removing the subfolder ie “wordpress/wp-content/uploads/” seems to make no difference.

    Unfortunately I noticed this only after moving index.php and htaccess of my original blog into its subdirectory. I had to edit the site url via phpadmin in order to make this work. Now both blogs function, with the exception of the image issue.

    I’m sure that I have missed a step somewhere or have done something wrong. Is there a need to edit the index.php file? Is the domain redirection the problem? Permissions? Blog URI or Address wrong? Should I sign-up for another hosting package? Thanks for any advice.


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  • In my domains control panel, the new domain “myblog.com” is then configured to point to “/wordpress2” which is the subfolder where the “myblog.com” WP files will be installed. Makes sense?
    Don’t even try. You will have only troubles. WP “hates” that kind of ponitings… (You were warned ??

    Thread Starter adkbasecamp


    I moved my first blog’s index and htaccess back to root. Under Options, the WordPress Address URI is set to “www.mydomain.com/wordpress” and the Blog Domain URI is “www.mydomain.com”. My domain hosting control panel points this domain to root “./”. Everything is working normally again.

    Second blog installed in subdirectory also, including the index and htaccess. WordPress URI is “www.myotherdomain.com” and Blog URI is also “www.myotherdomain.com”. Domain control panel points this domain to the subfolder where the index and htaccess is located. Everything seems to work except the image upload and display – only the image name shows both in the post editor and blog. Odd that I don’t have to include the subdirectory in the WordPress URI, when I do, the blog and Admin revert to text only. Something to do with htaccess, permalinks, or my domain control panel redirection ? Wierd.?

    Thread Starter adkbasecamp


    “WP “hates” that kind of pointings … (You were warned :)”

    This is more confusing than “the loop”. It’s like a loop within a loop.

    Having spent a better part of the day playing with this, not unenjoyably I might add, I’ve decided to treat my new domain to its own hosting package. Considering the measly cost of these services, you might say that what I’ve been attempting to do is pretty lame.

    I’m out.

    Actually many people tried to do what you did (and I wouldn’t call it “lame”…) – but I haven’t seen yet one successful install of that kind. Hence my warning. Sorry.

    As a real noob, I can testify to the difficulty of setting up subdomains with redirection to point to the blog. I had exactly the same problems you did on my first week (subdomains, multiple blogs, images), and spun my wheells all nite.

    It’s way way easier (and successfull) to simply create the subdomain, and create the blog “in” it. Everything will work fine once you do that, and it’ll make sense immediately. Make the subdomain, then make the blog.

    The cpanel installer just takes to it beautifully, and your blog(s) will reside in it’s own folder. If you need to kill an existing blog that you made, just go right ahead. cpanel will make it easy too.

    Your image tags should have full, hard URLs. This may seem gross but it will eventually make sense once you dig thru these posts and read about the advantages. Note that you can put stuff where you want; you don’t need to follow WP’s preferrred installation for images/stuff, and you can set it up however you like.

    I’m a noob and didn’t add anything, but I think sometimes you need to hear from another noob sometimes.

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