• Resolved Anonymous User 14405448


    I’ve tried adding a 450×450 png or 600×600 jpeg to ‘Media’ and I get the following where […] replaces the higher server dirs like admin username named dir:

    Warning: imagecreatetruecolor(): Invalid image dimensions in […]/public_html/wp-includes/media.php on line 2108

    Warning: imagecopyresampled() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in […]/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php on line 182

    Warning: imagecreatetruecolor(): Invalid image dimensions in […]/public_html/wp-includes/media.php on line 2108

    Warning: imagecopyresampled() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in […]/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php on line 182

    Warning: imagecreatetruecolor(): Invalid image dimensions in […]/public_html/wp-includes/media.php on line 2108

    Warning: imagecopyresampled() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in […]/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php on line 182

    If I deactivate the plug-in, the warnings go away. Furthermore, when activated the Media GUI will show ‘Crunching…’ on the add Media section of the dashboard and ‘Crunching…’ looks frozen (waited 15 minutes so far w/o it changing), but if I open another tab and look at my media library, the image has been added. For what it’s worth I’m using tagDiv’s Newpspaer 4.6.3, but I don’t think it’s related given the dirs of the warning. Based on previous support threads for this plug-in it seems it might be related to WP 3.9+


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  • Plugin Author Stanislav Khromov


    Thanks for the bug report AwagnerA. A few questions:

    – Which theme are you running?
    – Are you using the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin?
    – Did you add any custom image sizes (in PHP or through a plugin?)
    – What is the exact PHP code or configuration you used to create the image size? (If you created any)


    Plugin Author Stanislav Khromov


    Closing due to no response.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 14405448


    Apologies for the delay; shortly after posting I went through all manner of life events (graduating, moving to first job, marrying/honeymooning) and just recently got back so you can expect much more prompt replies.

    With regard to you questions:
    – Which theme are you running?
    Newspaper 4.6.3 by tagDiv
    – Are you using the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin?
    – Did you add any custom image sizes (in PHP or through a plugin?)
    Nope, not to my knowledge
    – What is the exact PHP code or configuration you used to create the image size? (If you created any)
    I just use WordPress’ stock Media>Add New>(Browse and select image) The code in question that’s erroring out however:

    Warning: imagecreatetruecolor(): Invalid image dimensions in […]/public_html/wp-includes/media.php on line 2108

    Lines 2107 through 2114:

    function wp_imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height) {
    	$img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); //The line in question
    	if ( is_resource($img) && function_exists('imagealphablending') && function_exists('imagesavealpha') ) {
    		imagealphablending($img, false);
    		imagesavealpha($img, true);
    	return $img;

    Warning: imagecopyresampled() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in […]/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php on line 182

    Lines 174-190:

    protected function _resize( $max_w, $max_h, $crop = false ) {
    		$dims = image_resize_dimensions( $this->size['width'], $this->size['height'], $max_w, $max_h, $crop );
    		if ( ! $dims ) {
    			return new WP_Error( 'error_getting_dimensions', __('Could not calculate resized image dimensions'), $this->file );
    		list( $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h ) = $dims;
    		$resized = wp_imagecreatetruecolor( $dst_w, $dst_h );
    		imagecopyresampled( $resized, $this->image, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h );  //The line in question
    		if ( is_resource( $resized ) ) {
    			$this->update_size( $dst_w, $dst_h );
    			return $resized;
    		return new WP_Error( 'image_resize_error', __('Image resize failed.'), $this->file );

    Plugin Author Stanislav Khromov


    Thanks for the detailed report AwagnerA, and congrats on all the finer things in life. ??

    Will check this and get back to you shortly.

    Plugin Author Stanislav Khromov


    Hey AwagnerA,

    Could you try to see if version 1.1 of the plugin makes the messages disappear?

    Since Newspaper is a paid theme I am not able to test the plugin against it, but you could try temporarily disabling the theme and see if that makes the errors go away. In such case you could try contacting the theme author.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 14405448


    Changed to 2014 theme, and the messages went away so it looks like the theme doesn’t play nicely with your plug-in. I’ll file a bug report n their support forums and see what happens.

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