If they were not logged in, all you could do is rely on a previously set cookie from when they were logged in (or registered). The WP cookies are not useful, they have a hash that can be confirmed on login, but cannot be used to identify anyone without anything to compare against. That is the nature of hashes. Plus the WP cookies are not that long lived.
You would need to set your own long lived cookie when they are logged in. Then you can check for such cookie when anyone visits (in $_COOKIE). Of course you may not always get their cookie, they could be using a different browser or computer. But if there is one, it’s almost certainly the correct user. Since some people share logins (!), it’s not an absolute certainty.
Honestly, I don’t think what you are proposing is a good idea. For me, if I were an unsophisticated visitor, demonstrating you know who I am without me logging in is kind of creepy. It would feel like I’m being spied upon. I know a few well known sites do this, so maybe I’m misjudging how people would react. Since references to some of the spyware used by U.S. spy agencies have recently appeared on wikileaks, people are becoming more aware of privacy and security issues. Apparently some Americans now believe their FBI could be watching them through their microwave oven!
User names are one thing. It’s probably not that big an issue. I would seriously think twice about showing their email. Someone could easily believe their email would also be visible to email scrapers. Of course that is silly, but people do not always think rationally. Those are my thoughts on the matter anyway, you are free to do as you wish on your own site of course. I will try to help you regardless ??