• I wrote a little plugin to let me browse and post pictures from my gallery I run using the PHP Gallery software (https://gallery.sourceforge.net/).
    It uses the gallery remote protocol so you can specify galleries that are hosted on a different server if you want.
    Documentation is fairly minimal at this point. Theres a config file to let you specify parameters you don’t want to specify each time (gallery url, username, password and album), but if you don’t configure it then it will prompt you for all that. Unzip it – put the wp-gallery directory in the top level of your wordpress install and wp-content/plugins/wp-gallery-plugin.php in wp-content/plugins/.

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  • OOooooh, excellent. Just what I was looking for before I start my travel log. ?? Thank you.

    Cant seem to make it work in ie firefox is good

    Mmm, IE doesn’t work… It seems that there is something wrong with the javascript that is supposed to call wp-gallery.php. If I put the complete url in IE it does work. And since I am a non-programmer I just take educated guesses and type blindly! :-\

    Two places where it could fail:

    if (!toolbar) {
    /* I guess we’re not on an edit page – do nothing */
    return false;

    and also here:

    function popupGallery () {
    window.open (“../wp-gallery/wp-gallery.php”,…

    Anybody have some good ideas?


    This plugin totally rocks. However, I can’t seem to get it to work with Gallery2.

    Any plans to upgrade this WONDERFUL WONDERFUL plugin? Pretty please?

    Gallery2 uses an entirely different approach to Gallery thus this plug in does not work. Stay tuned for the release of G2WP plugin currently underdevelopment @ https://wpg2.ozgreg.com/ which will implement the full functionality of Gallery2 within WP…

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