• Perhaps I’m stupid (usually the case), but is there no internal WP feature to page through the list of users in WP Multisite (i.e. click on a right arrow and left arrow to go through the pages of users in Dashboard > Users >All Users)? See screenshot here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1luiyv5glKL4nEG0MQ8ob_VoakRriaGHH/view?usp=sharing.

    I want to be able to go page by page through all my users, but as you can see by the screenshot, it only shows the first page, and no icons are available to get to the second and rest of the pages.

    Is there is a plugin that is well supported, let me know. Thank you.

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    The user table uses the same basic mechanism that other list tables use, such as posts and pages. Nav buttons and “1 of n” fields appear at both top and bottom of each page. The screenshot you linked is not publicly accessible, so I did not look at it. Something is amiss if the page nav is not visible.

    Maybe they are there but hidden by some erroneous CSS. Use your browser’s Element CSS Developer tool and click the element selector icon. In Chrome it is at upper left, an arrow pointing into a box icon. Select an element in the table header row. In the tool listing, an item in the wp-list-table table will be highlighted. Locate the main <table> element above. Above that is a tablenav top div. Expand this element’s listing. There should be a tablenav-pages div. Expand that. All the pagination buttons are within this element. Click on various elements and check the related CSS to figure out why these elements are hidden.

    All the default CSS should be in either common.css or list-tables.css. CSS from anywhere else is suspect.

    BTW, you can get to the other pages without page nav buttons by appending ?paged=2 to the users.php link. Substitute any valid page number for 2 to get to whatever page number.

    Thread Starter Elvis ImpressMe


    Thank you, @bcworkz. I’ll take a look at this.

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