• I’ve got several installations of WP on the same OS X 10.4.8 server. They are all linked to different mysql databases on a different 10.4 server on the same network. Lately the page load times have gotten up into the 1-2 minute range. Other pages with heavy Flash content on the same server load very quickly by comparison.

    I’m looking for some advice on how to troubleshoot this.

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  • Thread Starter greenhornet


    I moved mysql to the same server and the load time seems about the same. At least I can eliminte latency due to traffic between the two servers.

    Thread Starter greenhornet


    Some steps that I have taken based on the above suggestions:

    – I checked my log file size. It’s relatively small (18.6mb). I have it set to archive every 7 days.
    – I turned off stat reporting and akismet anti-spam.
    – I would prefer not to post my domain but I’ll IM you if you really want to have a first hand look.
    – Turned off wpcache. It’s been running for two weeks. I can’t see a difference in this case.

    Thread Starter greenhornet


    “Perhaps you have some PHP code that is quering something that is huge and takes a long time to parse through?”

    I think this is possible. I know that it is happening on every single page load. I don’t know what kind of code would do that, or how to check for that matter but it seems plausible.

    Thread Starter greenhornet


    Can anyone suggest a php page with some very basic code that I could use as a test?

    Thread Starter greenhornet


    Surely someone has some sort of test page???



    Out of curiosity, greenhornet, is Performance Caching turned on (default) or off for your WP sites? You might try turning if off and then running in test to see if performance improves. For some sites with a lot of static content, OS X Server’s performance caching can actually cause performance degradation. Probably at least worth testing…

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    If you want to see what queries WordPress is executing on any given page, you can do this:

    Add this to your wp-config.php file:
    define('SAVEQUERIES', true);

    Then add this to the bottom of your index template (or any other template.. I recommend the footer.php file):

    if (SAVEQUERIES) {
    echo "<!--\n";
    foreach ($wpdb->queries as $q) echo "$q\n";
    echo "-->\n";

    This will output most of the SQL that WordPress runs in an HTML comment. It’s useful for debugging. Make sure to turn it back off in a production environment. You can turn it off by simply setting it to false instead of true, or by just removing the line from the wp-config.php file again.

    I was having the same problem on OS X 10.4.9 (client, not server) and isolated it to the firewall. I had stealth mode enabled. Turning off stealth mode seems to have solved the slow load times.

    I’ve searched all topics around here, nobody seems to resolve the problem of a slow load, my blog is loading VERY SLOW, over 1 minute load, admin page same problem. I don’t know how to install wp-cache because i can’t acces the shell to do that command line, so any other sugestions? my blog https://www.Garcya.us/blog .
    PS : my other website https://www.Garcya.us works just fine!

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