Hello everybody! I have the WP email capture widget successfully added to my webiste synchbiz.info. In fact, here’s the code for the widget:
function wp_email_capture_widget_init() {
// Check to see required Widget API functions are defined...
if ( !function_exists('register_sidebar_widget') || !function_exists('register_widget_control') )
return; // ...and if not, exit gracefully from the script.
// This function prints the sidebar widget--the cool stuff!
function wp_email_capture_widget($args) {
// $args is an array of strings which help your widget
// conform to the active theme: before_widget, before_title,
// after_widget, and after_title are the array keys.
// Collect our widget's options, or define their defaults.
$options = get_option('wp_email_capture_widget');
$title = empty($options['title']) ? 'Subscribe!' : $options['title'];
// It's important to use the $before_widget, $before_title,
// $after_title and $after_widget variables in your output.
echo $before_widget;
echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
echo $text;
echo $after_widget;
// This is the function that outputs the form to let users edit
// the widget's title and so on. It's an optional feature, but
// we'll use it because we can!
function wp_email_capture_widget_control() {
// Collect our widget's options.
$options = get_option('wp_email_capture_widget');
$newoptions = get_option('wp_email_capture_widget');
// This is for handing the control form submission.
if ( $_POST['wp-email-capture-submit'] ) {
// Clean up control form submission options
$newoptions['title'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['wp-email-capture-title']));
$newoptions['text'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['wp-email-capture-text']));
// If original widget options do not match control form
// submission options, update them.
if ( $options != $newoptions ) {
$options = $newoptions;
update_option('wp_email_capture_widget', $options);
// Format options as valid HTML. Hey, why not.
$title = htmlspecialchars($options['title'], ENT_QUOTES);
$text = htmlspecialchars($options['text'], ENT_QUOTES);
// The HTML below is the control form for editing options.
<label for="wp-email-capture-title" style="line-height:35px;display:block;">Widget title: <input type="text" id="wp-email-capture-title" name="wp-email-capture-title" value="<?php echo $title; ?>" /></label>
<br />
<label for="wp-email-capture-text" style="line-height:35px;display:block;">Widget text: <input type="text" id="wp-email-capture-text" name="wp-email-capture-text" value="<?php echo $text; ?>" /></label>
<input type="hidden" name="wp-email-capture-submit" id="wp-email-capture-submit" value="1" />
// end of widget_mywidget_control()
// This registers the widget. About time.
register_sidebar_widget('WP Email Capture', 'wp_email_capture_widget');
// This registers the (optional!) widget control form.
register_widget_control('WP Email Capture', 'wp_email_capture_widget_control');
// Delays plugin execution until Dynamic Sidebar has loaded first.
add_action('plugins_loaded', 'wp_email_capture_widget_init');
And this is the widget I am talking about:
I just want to know how I can fix the widget to look more neatly. Like this perhaps?
If you could notice the changes:
1) space between name and the horizontal bar
2) space between name and email
3) space between email and submit