Ok, found this:
I think i can figure it out from there.
Edit: i’ll post the script here, you never know ??
<?php if(wpsc_cart_item_count() > 0): ?>
<div class="shoppingcart">
<?php printf( _n('%d item', '%d items', wpsc_cart_item_count(), 'wpsc'), wpsc_cart_item_count() ); ?>
<?php _e('Total', 'wpsc'); ?>: <?php echo wpsc_cart_total_widget(); ?>
<a target="_parent" href="<?php echo get_option('shopping_cart_url'); ?>" title="Checkout" class="gocheckout"><?php _e('Checkout', 'wpsc'); ?></a>
<form action="" method="post" class="wpsc_empty_the_cart">
<input type="hidden" name="wpsc_ajax_action" value="empty_cart" />
<a target="_parent" href="<?php echo htmlentities(add_query_arg('wpsc_ajax_action', 'empty_cart', remove_query_arg('ajax')), ENT_QUOTES); ?>" class="emptycart" title="Empty Your Cart"><?php _e('Clear cart', 'wpsc'); ?></a>
</div><!--close shoppingcart-->
<?php else: ?>
<p class="empty">
<?php _e('Your shopping cart is empty', 'wpsc'); ?><br />
<a target="_parent" href="<?php echo get_option('product_list_url'); ?>" class="visitshop" title="Visit Shop"><?php _e('Visit the shop', 'wpsc'); ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php wpsc_google_checkout(); ?>