• Hi:
    When shopping via Firefox and adding a quantity of 1 to the shopping cart, it is adding 2. Doubling all quantities added. I checked this on my kids’ computers and problem wasn’t there in Chrome and Safari.

    I attempted to post this on getshopped e-com forum but their system won’t let me register. Claims I’m not a human.

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  • I am having the same double quantity problem.
    I followed all the advice given on their threads but none worked.

    I removed all extra javascripts
    I removed all other plugins (only had 1 installed: wp-pagenavi)
    I used the default template for wp e-commerce
    I activated the default wordpress theme

    All at the same time and it still did not fix the double quantity problem.

    I even tried the advice of force jQuery 1.3.2
    and that didn’t work either.

    I haven’t seen a getshopped admin respond so I’m sure they cannot fix this problem.

    I guess we are both SOL ;(

    i am having the same problem.
    it is very bad for business because it makes the website look like it is not professional. i am really hoping they fix this asap.
    i thought the update would’ve fixed it but i guess not.
    can an admin please comment on the topic and let us know what to expect.

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