• I’m testing wp-e-commerce as a potential solution for a client.

    I can’t find a way to set the displayed order of product categories in the sidebar. Certainly this is possible, but nothing’s becoming apparent to me.

    Also, I can’t get the “drag to a new position” function to work at all so I can’t even sort my products.

    This would make the software unusable to me if I can’t find these solutions. What is the simple solution I’m overlooking?


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  • Mark


    I went to run the sales upgrade fix, even though this was a clean install and not an upgrade, to see if that would fix my problem. It’s different from before because now I have a form to actually associate the fields, but when you get to the bottom it would appear you were printing an array for debug and must’ve left it there by accident, because there’s no way to submit the form, the script must be sending a die() after printing the array. ??

    so…the original question:
    how to you re-order wp e-commerce categories in the sidebar??



    dnphipps: I looked and don’t believe there’s an easy way. This might be a good idea to post as a feature request in their forums, some kind of system similar to the page ordering of WordPress itself would be a welcome addition.

    Yes agreed. Or learn some php ??

    I currently am trying to launch https://www.origaudio.com. We are working behind the scenes in beta (https://origaudio/beta) and are trying to figure out a few issues with the e-commerce WP plug in. (see plugin homepage: https://www.instinct.co.nz/e-commerce/) We would like to make the following modifications:

    Make the entered coupon code show a discount on the checkout page, show in the receipt email and log in the csv file.

    Display all of the entered information for the product order, billing/shipping fields in the Receipt Email & Order Pending Email…and without duplication.

    Remove the extra ‘Go to Checkout’ link from the cart sidebar widget.

    Make the ‘How did you find us’ show in the csv file.

    Once this is all working in beta we need to move the site live and make sure the ssl is working and the cart is working with authorize.net.

    This is an ASAP job and if anyone has any interest in doing it please have them email me: [email protected]

    Yes, an alphabetically ordered display of the product category list is not ideal.

    I’m hoping Gabe462 is still following this post.

    I am also having trouble with sort order for categories. Gabe referred to a filtering process. But then the post got sidetracked (imagine that)

    Gabe462, if you can help me with where I can find the filtering process, I’d really appreciate it.

    I found an issue with products displaying in DESC order within categories even though I set the admin to sort by name and the main product page displayed in ASC. I’ve no idea why it’s set to do this but if you want to reverse it see below.

    within wpsc_query.php find

    // Invert this for alphabetical ordering.
    if (get_option('wpsc_sort_by')=='name') {
    if( $order == 'ASC'){
    $order = 'DESC';
    $order = 'ASC';

    if you don’t want to completely destroy the code just simply replace

    if( $order == 'ASC'){
    $order = 'DESC';


    if( $order == 'ASC'){
    $order = 'ASC';

    Hope that helps

    I’ve added spaces before the category names to accomplish a specific order. WP E-commerce recognizes, but HTML doesn’t recognize standard spaces at the beginning of a line, so the page (in my case) renders the way I want it to.


    Er, maybe I should have elaborated. Count your number of categories. That’s how many spaces you should put before the desired top category. The next gets one less space, etc:

    (seven spaces) Bottoms
    (six spaces) Dresses
    (five spaces) Jewelry
    (four spaces) Accessories
    (three spaces) Gifts
    (two spaces) Shoes
    (one space) Tops

    Should display properly on your pages.

    I’m having issues setting up the wp ecommerce gold cart option with authorize.net

    is there anyone out there that could help me troubleshoot credit card decline issues?

    authorize.net here too. It has been more than a year. PLEASE FIX IT!

    dingdangdesign and kmaz: can you guys explain the problem your running into in detail? And if you have found a fix yet, thanks!

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