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  • Same for me it no a plugin it is a game
    I delete it no uninstall option
    Time wase plugin

    Please change your directory to wp-directory-list. I obviously didn’t know what I was doing when I set up the svn.

    Alternately, you can download it from the home website for now.

    WP 2.7
    FF 3.0.5

    Nice plugin, this is exactly what I have been looking for.

    I changed the directory to “wp-directory-list” and correctly installed and setup my categories. I however, noticed the following issues after submitting a completed form:

    1. When a form is completed and submitted, the following error
    message is issued:

    “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘)’, expecting ‘]’ in
    /plugins/wp-directory-list/wp-directory-process-form.php on line 37″

    Adding “]” to line 37 of /wp-directory-process-form.php corrected the syntax error.

    $linkstate = strip_tags(trim($_POST[‘directory_state’]

    The above “]” problem is on the downloads from both WordPress and
    your site.

    2. After correcting the above problem, I resubmitted the form with out error, however, my “pending link” did not show the submitted links.

    3. My Directory listing page shows:

    “Powered by Directory List
    Powered by Directory List
    , r”
    4. Although the required fields are check, when the form is submitted without a required field you don’t flag it.

    5. May I suggest that a message be issued when a form is successful submitted. Something like “Thanks, your form was submitted waiting for Admin approval….”

    I’ll add the submitted message to the options page. That way it can be configured to your needs.

    The double powered by is due to more than one shortcode. I’ll see if I can fix that as well.

    If you add a link through the Directory Management it will not show up as pending. Pending is only for the Form.

    I believe that the bug you pointed out has been fixed. I’ll verify though.

    The current version of 1.1.0 seems to be working fine. Please use it instead of the 1.0.6 version. It can be found at

    Still some improvements to be done but it will get there as I need this as well for a couple of my websites.

    Thanks for the report and suggestion. =)

    Urgg… very difficult to understand the installation guide. After one week keep trying to setting up this kind of business directory, I found the solution. The solution is… if you can get other plugin, don’t waste your time for this plugin (WP-Directory-List). It is very hard to setting up on your WordPress.

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