WP 2.7
FF 3.0.5
Site: https://www.HairNations.com
Nice plugin, this is exactly what I have been looking for.
I changed the directory to “wp-directory-list” and correctly installed and setup my categories. I however, noticed the following issues after submitting a completed form:
1. When a form is completed and submitted, the following error
message is issued:
“Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘)’, expecting ‘]’ in
/plugins/wp-directory-list/wp-directory-process-form.php on line 37″
Adding “]” to line 37 of /wp-directory-process-form.php corrected the syntax error.
$linkstate = strip_tags(trim($_POST[‘directory_state’]
The above “]” problem is on the downloads from both WordPress and
your site.
2. After correcting the above problem, I resubmitted the form with out error, however, my “pending link” did not show the submitted links.
3. My Directory listing page shows:
“Powered by Directory List
Powered by Directory List
, r”
4. Although the required fields are check, when the form is submitted without a required field you don’t flag it.
5. May I suggest that a message be issued when a form is successful submitted. Something like “Thanks, your form was submitted waiting for Admin approval….”