• onguys


    I’ve become resigned to simply leave my reviews uncategorized, because every time I try to add relevant studio, director, actor specific categories my movie reviews, the whole database crashes. The odd thing about it is, that for some reason wordpress 2.7.1 is changing my website url from my site name to what ever the category I’m establishing is. Once that happens, I go to preview the review and the whole database is corruped and thus unusable and unaccessible.

    I have literally stopped using words in my installations and converted to numbers because of the number of times I’ve had to reinstall 2.7.1 on my host server. I’m up to db030 now, I had been using words describing the 4 sub-databases I need for my site, so I’ve basically installed and reinstalled this program going on 35 times now. I’ve managed to get 2 of the 4 databases up and running, but without the categories enabled.

    My weekends for the last month and a half have been shot trying to get this to work right. I’m converting a 6 year old site from MS-Frontpage over to WordPress because it looks like it would be so much more user friendly for my readers, but I’m beginning to have my doubts whether or not wordpress is a stable enough platform to seriously consider.

    I would really like to use categories, but every time I try it crashes my database(s). I’m hoping that in version 2.7.2 that this error is corrected. Overall, I like the feel and functionality of 2.7 I’m just a little concerned about it’s stability. I only have 1 review up in my wp database currently as a test run. In my old site I have close to 3,000 and I know that I can’t reinstall the database and reload every single plugin and review, every time I want to publish a new one film review because the system crashes when I go to post categories to them.

    I have high hopes for wordpress, I see how several reviewers and a multitude of highly respected fortune 500 companies are utilizing this software, so I’m planning on sticking with it at least until I can save up the $3,000 for Adobe Creative Suite; but if 2.7 continues to crash like it has been, I’ll end up just keeping my old site version till I can get the money pulled together enough to buy adobe.

    I would prefer wordpress over adobe personally, I especially like the comments and social rss links which I’m under the impression are better in wordpress, but I really need a stable database that I don’t have to worry about crashing at the drop of a hat or just from looking at it funny.

    I’ve been monitoring wordpress since 2.4 and I’ve been studying the WordPress for Dummies book which 2.7 is a lot better than 2.4 in the sense that updating the database and installing/updating plugins is a lot easier and much appreciated in 2.7; but in 2.7.2 please work on the stability factor; this crashing thing is killing me.

    I’m going to try and tough it out for a little while longer, but I’ve about had it with the constant crashing thing.

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  • MichaelH


    I had been using words describing the 4 sub-databases I need for my site,

    Not sure what this is (sub-databases) and why you need them?

    Adding a category (which updates the term_taxonomy and terms tables) should not crash a database. What does your host say about that?

    Thread Starter onguys


    Regrettably Valueweb has recently been bought out by Hostway.com and about the only technical support I can get out of them is whether their server is up and running.

    Any support I need for Frontpage (which we’re trying to migrate out of) or WordPress 2.7.1 they simply respond, “I’m sorry, but we do not offer support for any software our customers upload to our servers” which I guess is understandable, but it would be nice if they would do more than just keep the server running. But one really can’t expect much more than that I guess for $20 a month.

    I’ve debated about just buying my own server and keeping it running her at my home, but then of course, I haven’t learned enough yet to know how to run my own static ISP, which is why I’m stil reliant on such companies like Hostway at the moment.

    But one really can’t expect much more than that I guess for $20 a month.

    for that price you can expect way more
    take a look at A Small Orange.
    I’m not affiliated with them in anyway but have several sites with them and the support is outstanding

    I’m with MichaelH – none of what you describe should crash a database

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