• Hi,

    Sorry if this is the wrong place to post but Im still learning the lay of the land here.

    I have an issue where all of a sudden my background in the dashboard is partially black. The font has gone all blurry and thick. Writing posts is a mission due to writing grey on black effectivly.

    I have tried clearing the cache and rebooting both the browser and the pc. I have also tried re downloading the latest update of wordpress and the theme.

    The theme I am using at the moment is Gamespress and I havent done any plugin or theme updates for a while and they are all upto date. No new plugins have been installed either. I basically wrote a post and published it then a few hours later went back to do another one and this is where I am.

    Has anyone got a clue whats going on? Any possible solutions?

    Thank you as always


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  • i copied the function.php file before i tried what u suggested… it didn’t work and now the site has crashed… i replace the content with the funtion.php that i saved but it keep giving me this error…
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘;’ in /home/content/11/11211711/html/wp-content/themes/gamepress/functions.php on line 144

    I think you’ve misunderstood what I needed

    All I need is a COPY of the functions file – I’ll show you what bit to edit.

    Just hit undo a few times, or Download the theme in your browser and locate the functions file and replace.

    Actually, hang on, I’ll check the file for you…

    Just hit undo a few times and save the functions file as you found it for now.

    Thread Starter RetroGam3r


    So is copying my functions.php file contents into notepad good enough? Then I have a physical file to share with you?

    thanks for helping

    Ok, so from a completely standard GamePress functions.php file we need to edit line 152

    add_action('wp_print_styles', 'gamepress_enqueue_skin_css');

    Change this to;

    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'gamepress_enqueue_skin_css');

    The theme author has used the incorrect hook here. This will stop the CSS being loaded into the administrator interface


    Thread Starter RetroGam3r


    here is my functions.php file if its needed. Im not sure if the previous post is for me or not? Anyway here it is: https://pastelink.me/dl/4f63e5#sthash.SreIXUPu.dpuf
    I hope ive done it right and again thankyou Aaron for taking time out to help.


    it’s not allowing me to do anything…everytime i try to navigate it gives me an error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘;’ in /home/content/11/11211711/html/wp-content/themes/gamepress/functions.php on line 144

    Sorry I’ve got a little confused in there with the two of you

    rkallon – replace your functions.php file with one from a fresh download of the theme.

    Then you’re both in the same situation.

    Then refer to my post 3 previous to this one, and edit line 152 (use a text editor such as Notepad++ – it has FTP access and line numbering. You can edit your site live from it). If you just want to use notepad, search for the line I suggested above.

    That will correct the way in which the CSS is loaded in your theme, and will keep it only in the front end.

    Are there any other issues?

    @rkallon: As per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic. Posting in an existing topic causes problems for the forums volunteers.

    Thanks esmi,

    I think both rkallon and RetroGam3r are now at the same point in resolving the same problem (or they will be shortly!)

    That is;
    – Fresh install of functions.php
    – Edit line 152 as above.

    @theme Diva… my bad, i’m just so stressed right now… really sorry.

    @ Aaron, the main problem is… everytime i click a button i get the error msg. I have notepad++, that’s where i saved the function.php file. in my panic i tried getting outta the function.php page…now i can’t get back in… i’m walking dead…

    @rkallon: Please post your own topic.

    @rkallon – let me know in a separate topic and we’ll continue there
    @retrogam3r – all sorted?

    Thread Starter RetroGam3r


    just doing a fresh install now, do i need to do the line 152 aswel?

    I shall report back

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