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  • Because WP-Cumulus uses the wp_tag_cloud template tag provided by WordPress, it also defaults to a maximum of 45 tags. If you like you can change this using the ‘wp_tag_cloud parameters’ option, but your cloud may become very dense if you do.

    Thread Starter rekipresiak


    So if I wanted the tag cloud to always display a random assortment of tags, could I do that in the ‘wp_tag_cloud parameters’. Basically, I just dont want the same 45 old tags always on there.


    Yes, you can use the parameters to randomize the tags. Something like ‘order=RAND’ should work on blogs running WP 2.5 or higher.

    Codex has examples at:

    Hi, I have the same problem here and tried to do as you said, but I am not sure if I did right because it didn’t work.

    As I’m not sure how to edit html (or where to locate and write the ‘order=RAND’ ) I used Tag Cloud widget options box that opens for me. The last line is written ‘wp_tag_cloud parameters:’ and has an empty box below it.

    So I wrote and saved on the empty box:


    But nothing changed – What am I doing wrong?

    Could anybody help?


    Just to clarify on the above post, the tag cloud that I’m using and referring to is the WP-Cumulus.


    I’m not sure whether the randomization is applied to the tags after they’ve been selected or if this randomizes the selection process. If you have more than 45 tags and the selection shown does not change withs order=RAND, than I guess the first is the case, unfortunately.

    Hi Roy, thanks for your answer.

    Let’s try it another way: and if I deactivated and deleted the plugin and installed it again – would it load some of the newest tags instead?



    I’m afraid that won’t work either. The output from wp_tag_cloud will be the same, and so will your cloud. WordPress has no way of showing a random selection of tags, it will always show the most relevant ones (being the most used).

    Has anyone figured out a workaround for this?

    Is there a way to shuffle the tags within WordPress so that WP-Cumulus will show some new tags?

    WP-Cumulus is absolutely gorgeous and wonderful in every possible way, but I’m afraid it won’t have much use if it only shows tags from my first few posts and never updates…

    Zach, I’ll admit that some sort of randomization would be nice, but WP-Cumulus does not just show tags from the first few posts. It’ll show the most important tags on your blog, just like WordPress’s own tag cloud.

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