• Resolved Holkan


    Hello there!

    What I’m trying to achieve is to run a function every five minutes with a cron job. I’ve followed the docs about wp cron here. Everything seems to be all right, my recently created hook is on the list of cron jobs, but the thing is that my function never executes and I don’t know how to debug why is it happening.

    When the function is attached to some other hook like save_post , it does executes and the expected result is achieved, so I think I can discard any errors in my function.

    Please, any advice on how to debug this will be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

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  • That’s a good description @michelts!

    So the add_action with the callback should indeed be registered in for example the init hook. Or anything that is also executed / instantiated when wp-cron runs.

    I’m not sure about how calling add_action in the init hook ensures the class whose method you’re calling gets instantiated? But it’s an important point: an instance of the class must exist at the time the scheduled job runs.

    In my case I was calling a static method, so I didn’t have that particular problem – but you’re right, it can be the cause of this issue in many cases.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by andfinally.

    Michels idea triggered my idea that maybe some code is not available and the error just lets wordpress to remove the cron job without logging – BAD PRACTICE, or is there a wp cron log directory that I am not aware of?

    Anyway with me, a plugin was not activated at cron job execution. I disable some plugins for other calls than admin, I load certain plugins especally for cron jobs, but the check for a cron job did not work.

    The check if it is a cron job was url based (stripos($request_uri, ‘wp-cron.php’);) and it seems that with a linux solution that uses native cron jobs with sudo crontab -e generates no url.

    So I did the check differently with php_sapi_name to check if the call was triggered by the command line(https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16702472/run-a-php-script-only-from-cron-or-check-if-request-from-cron). And voila, wp cron works as expected.

    Again, just deleting a cron job in case of an error is very hard to debug… My assumption is – I do not dig deeper now – that some issues of disappearing cron jobs are related to errors that are never logged.

    Probably my situation is very unique, but it took me hours to find it out, so maybe these short lines help someone else.

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