Hi andrebeltrame ?? !
As I don’t want to duplicate all the wp-content part, I use a solution for that :)…
You have to get some knowledges on server side :)… You have to create a subdomain on your host pointing to your wp-content folder (eg: /public_html/wp-content).
Then, open your wp-config.php file the add this line in it : define(“WP_CONTENT_URL”, “https://cdn.yourdomain.com”);
BTW, all the path to your wp-content files will be https://cdn.yourdomain.com/…
And as path to your media files will be differents that your website pages (they will get an absolute path differents that your base website because they are pointing to https://cdn.yourdomain.com, not https://yourdomain.com) SS will not add them to your archive ;)…
Hopping it will help you to gain some space :).
This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by