• steveanddawn


    We have Yahoo hosting and the latest Contact Form version 1.4.3 does not send an email to the host when the user fills out the form correctly. We are using wordpress Version 2.0.1

    We can not figure out a work around like we did with wordpress 1.5 and the version of WP-Contact-Form at the time.

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  • Thread Starter steveanddawn


    Any ideas, anyone?

    You mean changing the code in the plugin with the Y. lines doesn’t work as it was in 1.5?
    Good to know… (to avoid them)

    Thread Starter steveanddawn


    Seems like it, unless I’m missing something. Maybe you can see a fix in the code?

    Sorry, I am not a coder _ I just remembered trying to set it up on Y. for someone else… and we almost went crazy until we figured out we had to change the code. Since then I didn’t have to install it on Y.

    Just for information, but is the Contact Form Options Email Address to an email address in your domain? If your domain is “sample.com”, is that email address for example, [email protected]?

    Thread Starter steveanddawn


    Yes it is.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for this post? I too am using Yahoo hosting and cannot figure out why any of the forms I have tried do not work. I have tried 3 different plugins and none of them work. I have also made sure that the email address it goes to is from within my domain. Any help out there guys?

    Thread Starter steveanddawn


    Any ideas?

    Maybe this could help…

    I just signed up with Yahoo Web Hosting for my wordpress blog. During the setup of WP-contact form, I also encountered the same problem.

    I did the following and now my form works fine. As I am not familiar with how to write out instruction, if I confuse you further during the following explanation, please forgive me. ??

    Under your Yahoo Web Hosting account, go to Web Hosting Control Panel > Create & Update > php/perl mail setup.

    At PHP/Perl Mail Setup, set your default “From:” field on the right hand side.

    I believe in the attempt to restrict spamming, Yahoo requires all PHP mails to specify a from: and to: address that is in your own domain.

    Then, go to wordpress dashboard and locate Plugin Editor.

    Open the wp-contact_form.php file, scroll down to the following:

    if(wpcf_check_input()) // If the input check returns true (ie. there has been a submission & input is ok)

    ******ADD the following line:******
    $from = “[email protected]”;
    $recipient = get_option(‘wpcf_email’);
    (make sure your email address set up under Contact Form Options is an address within the domain as well!)
    $subject = get_option(‘wpcf_subject’);

    Scroll through the section on $success_msg = get_option(‘wpcf_success_msg’);

    At the following $headers, add $from; before $name <$email>\n” so that when the email is generated, we’ve fulfilled the Yahoo! requirement;

    $headers = “MIME-Version: 1.0\n”;
    $headers .= “From: $from; $name <$email>\n”;
    $headers .= “Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\”” . get_settings(‘blog_charset’) . “\”\n”;

    At the $fullmsg, I’ve added a line to see the email address of the sender but you can omit it:

    $fullmsg = “$name wrote:\n”;
    $fullmsg .= wordwrap($msg, 80, “\n”) . “\n\n”;
    $fullmsg .= “Website: ” . $website . “\n”;
    $fullmsg .= “Email: ” . $email . “\n”;
    $fullmsg .= “IP: ” . getip();

    mail($recipient, $subject, $fullmsg, $headers);

    Please let me know if it also works for you …

    Update to my previous post…

    I just found out that you can actually skip the step at Yahoo Web Hosting on PHP/Perl Mail Setup.

    Simply make the necessary change with the WP-Contact Form and the contact form would work fine.


    I was having this exact problem with WP contact form and Yahoo Small Business webhosting. As I was searching the forums for a soution, I came across this topic and your solution. Just wanted to lt you know that it worked like a charm and saved me a lot of headache in having to find a solution. Thanks!! ??




    I am happy that you’ve found the post useful. Thanks for letting me know.

    Does this fix not apply to v2.0 of this plugin? Unless I’m blind, I’m not seeing the line beginning with “if(wpcf_check_input())” in wp-gbcf_form.php (I’m assuming this is the new name of the php file named above).

    Does anyone have any input on this?

    ok. this is strange. i’m using version 1.4.3 of the contact form and its works fine. there’s no need to go to the webhosting control panel to configure php mail since wordpress has its own code to send out mails.

    just don’t forget to configure the plugin to add the e-mail address to send to (i did)

    Yep Rainangel, your fix worked for me as well. Yahoo defeats one of the nice features of this form by requiring all mail be sent from the hosted domain. Why other big hosts can handle it and Yahoo can’t is the question.

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