After removing file changes, my network link goes to /admin/network which says Oops page not found. Had to manually type in /wp-admin/network.
The plugins settings menu did not show. I network deactivated the plugin where it then asked
“/home/site/public_html/wp-config.php is not writable. Open the file and write:
on line 2
Okay, I set it up
.htaccess file is not writable. If you added a different admin path before, please remove it in order to work without errors.
Okay, I set it up
Click here when you’re done.”
I clicked Done.
It took me to the plugin’s settings page on my main blog with the url wp-admin/admin. Still have to manually type in the wp-admin/network to go to the network dashbaord where the plugin’s settings do not show. Trie network deactivating again , got Internal Server Error (as i did somewhere before) and the url is admin/network/plugins.php instead of /wp-admin/network.
Deleted plugin file from cpanel. Back to normal.