• Hi!
    I need help changing permalinks. I tried to do it with the wp-config file but it doesn’t work. Now If I try to take the links out of the wp-config file my site won’t work.
    I can’t change the permalinks in the settings because it is grayed out (because the links are in the wp-config file)

    I can’t figure out how to fix this. Here is my wp-config file:

    This is my site:

    which I would like to change the wordpress url to just taramcnulty.com

    This is driving me crazy! thanks in advance!

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  • So you have two completely independent sites, yes? One in root and one in a wordpress folder? Which of these two sites do you wish to run at https://www.taramcnulty.com/

    Hi Tara!

    From the source code on your site, it looks like your permalinks have already been changed to root level. Start from step 4 under “Using a pre-existing subdirectory install” here, you should be AOK. You shouldn’t need those two lines in your config file…

    <cough>I think you meant ‘taramcnulty’ – not Tara (who is a regular here).</cough>

    And I’d agree that those two lines shouldn’t be needed. Just trying to figure out
    – why they were added in the first place
    – whether there are 2 WP sites on this domain or 1 WP site and anothe2 static site.
    – where the WP site was installed originally.
    – what changes were made since the install.

    Root is not WordPress. She has two subdirectory installs, as she mentioned previously, and by “she,” I am meaning taramcnulty, not Tara from above (obviously). You should get that cough checked out. It’s gross.

    She has two subdirectory installs

    So one is at taramcnulty.com/wordpress but where is the other one? And which of these two sites is using the modified wp-config.php file?

    You should get that cough checked out

    I think I’ll log off and brew some tea shortly. ??



    In the directory before /wordpress/, remove/rename any existing index.* files and then create this index.php file (DO NOT edit wordpress/index.php!):

    define('WP_USE_THEMES', true);
    require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php' );

    Set the site/home URLs in your wp-config.php to:

    define('WP_HOME', 'https://www.taramcnulty.com/wordpress');
    define('WP_SITEURL', 'https://www.taramcnulty.com');

    where does one add those lines in the wp-config? at the top or at the end?

    Doesn’t this line also define the WP_HOME?

    /** Absolute path to the WordPress directory. */
    if ( !defined(‘ABSPATH’) )
    define(‘ABSPATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’);

    and if I have wp installed in /main, would i need to edit that line? or just add the lines i.ahmed posted?

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