WP-Cirrus Output Before Text
When I tried to use WP-Cirrus in a post I noticed that it would always display before any text in a post. This happens when the plugin echos content instead of returning it. A fix for this is:
~Line 34: add a return in wpcirrusShortCodeHandler:
function wpcirrusShortCodeHandler($atts=NULL){ return wpcirrusInit(true, $atts); }
~Line 342 (function: wpcirrusInit): Add an ob_start(); around line 342 before Javascript output and then add a return ob_get_clean(); around line 373 function after the div:
ob_start(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var wpcirrusRadius<?php echo $tagBoxName?> = <?php echo $options['radius'];?>; var wpcirrusRefreshrate<?php echo $tagBoxName?> = <?php echo $options['refreshrate'];?>; <?php if(!empty($options['fontcolor'])){ echo "var wpcirrusFontColor".$tagBoxName." = '" . $options['fontcolor'] . "';"; } else { echo "var wpcirrusFontColor".$tagBoxName.";"; } if(!empty($options['backgroundcolor'])){ echo "var wpcirrusBackgroundColor".$tagBoxName." = '" . $options['backgroundcolor'] . "';"; } else { echo "var wpcirrusBackgroundColor".$tagBoxName.";"; } ?> </script> <div style="position: relative; height: <?php echo $options['height'];?>px; width: <?php echo $options['width'];?>px;" id="<?php echo $tagBoxName?>"> <?php if($options['mode'] == 'both'){ echo wp_tag_cloud($options['args'] = $options['args'] . "&taxonomy=post_tag&number=" . $options['number'] . "&orderby=" . $options['orderBy'] . "&order=" . $options['sortOrder'] . "&smallest=" . $options['smallest'] . "&largest=" . $options['biggest']); echo " " . wp_tag_cloud($options['args'] = $options['args'] . "&taxonomy=category&number=" . $options['number'] . "&orderby=" . $options['orderBy'] . "&order=" . $options['sortOrder'] . "&smallest=" . $options['smallest'] . "&largest=" . $options['biggest']); } else if($options['mode'] == 'pages'){ echo wp_list_pages("echo=0&title_li="); } else { echo wp_tag_cloud($options['args'] = $options['args'] . "&taxonomy=". $options['mode'] ."&number=" . $options['number'] . "&orderby=" . $options['orderBy'] . "&order=" . $options['sortOrder'] . "&smallest=" . $options['smallest'] . "&largest=" . $options['biggest']); } ?> </div> <?php return ob_get_clean();
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