• I initially installed WordPress Mobile Edition at TiVoLovers.com and it worked great. Today I checked the site from my Treo, and instead of the mobile version I got the full version.

    Perplexed, I checked the site, and had an idea – I’d installed wp-cache more recently. I disabled caching – and the mobile version worked again.

    So, it appears that wp-cache and mobile edition don’t play well with each other. I’ve been searching for an answer, but I haven’t found one yet, and I didn’t see a previous post in these forums either.

    Does anyone have a solution to allow caching *and* the mobile edition?

    I’m running WP-Cache 2.1.1 and WordPress Mobile Edition 2.0 on WordPress 2.2.


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  • I would like to know this also.

    wp-cache will not work well with lots and lots of plugin.

    New to the forums here… so someone tell me where else to go if this is the wrong place. Alex’s advice is for anyone having a problem to come here – so here I am ??

    I’ve been looking for a place to appeal to WordPress Mobile Edition template owners to please configure the sucker to:
    a) allow posts to be actually read instead of listed,
    b) allow subscription to their RSS feed from within the template,
    c) in the event of not being able to do the above, allow the template to be exited such that (a) and (b) can take place.

    I’ve been contacting blog owners off and on for the last month or so – some have fixed it, some have given up on the Mobile Edition template, and some have ignored the request.

    I guess the next step is to just blog about it ??

    Cheers, Andrew

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