• We’d like to be able to Embed a PAGE or POST within a Visual Composer layout .. so that the page content in that small element of the overall Vis Comp layout could be managed through the regular WP page/post edit/WYSIWYG mechanism.

    Visual Composer is of course great to drop in graphic or dynamic or scripted elements.. but simple text/content to edit we find hard to setup easily for our users.

    At present we use the elements for text and title sections ..

    but this means a typical user needs to update the content

    i) without WYSIWYG
    ii) in a tiny wee field of a small popup window
    … (rather than in a large clear page)

    All in all that leads to a situation where an end user is scared to make any text edits at all.
    We’d like to use the Visual Composer to setup the overall look of sophisticated/compex pages, but make it so those pages also can have the text edited

    E.g. So we could add (a Vis Comp element) that contains some PHP to embed a specific post or page setup to contain the content .. and even link with a custom EDIT button ..

    And then give the user the consistent WP/WYSIWYG experience for editing plain content !

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