• I’ve been using the WP-Backup plugin (found at https://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2005/02/06/backup-plugin-for-wordpress-15/) for some time (currently it’s at version 1.5). Though it is outmoded slightly by the inclusion of the ‘WordPress Database Backup’ plugin in WordPress 2.0 it still is useful since it offers functionality to backup your WordPress files in addition to the database. (Anyone who has customized theme files knows how helpful it is to have backups of the files.)

    A nagging bug with this plugin is that it recursively backs up old backup files (archives of old file backups are included in new backups balooning the file size of the new backup as well as making new backups take much more time than they need to). That was supposed to have been fixed but wasn’t (at least not properly). With this in mind I set out to update the plugin myself and am at the point now where I think it would be a good idea for others to take a look at what I’ve done. Here’s a changelog:
    – Fixed recursive backup bug (old backups are no longer included in new backups)
    – Added the ‘cache’ directory to the exclude list (mainly an issue for WordPress 2.0 users)
    – Added a feature to delete old backup files
    – Added a warning message to the ‘Restore your database’ function
    – Added a progress bar to the ‘Backup Database’ function.

    This last function needs a little aesthetic polish but it works. I’m trying to work on a progress bar for the’Backup WordPress Files’ function but I’m having some problems with it. If there are any gurus out there with ideas of how to implement I’d like to hear them.

    Anyone interested in trying this version out for yourself and/or giving me feedback about it please let me know.

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  • Thread Starter golddave


    I added another enhancement yesterday. I changed the naming convention of files to use year, month, date to strt the filename as opposed to date, month, year. This makes it easier to tell the date of the file when you look at the file listing. (The latest files are at the top of the list, the oldest are on the bottom.)

    – Dave

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